I have become interested in the boundary between unpublished and published. Is there a grey area between the two or is it one of those irrefutable boundaries that you know when you cross it? Is a poem published when you read it to a friend, share it at an open mic or within a private social network? If Li-Po really did set his poems on fire and set them down the river (something I know from a Bukowski poem so it’s probably bollocks) could this be considered a form of publication? If I left a notebook out in the street would the works within be considered published? What if I left it open at a particular page? If the answer is still “No?” then what if I placed the same page behind the front ground floor window of a house? The window feels more intentional than the notebook on the floor and yet the forum is less public. All I can come back to is the sense of crossing over, the way that you can immediately delete a post from a website seconds after you shared it and yet a part of you still feels that it is intractable. Sometimes I wish there was no boundary at all and sometimes I wish that the boundary was a fuzzy indeterminable place between published and unpublished. I would just spend all my time there if that was true.