I haven’t been in an argument with anyone online for a few years now (I think). One thing I always got annoyed with in those years of futile combat was the tendency of some to venture into armchair psychiatry. It takes a therapist many hours of one to one sessions to really get a handle on their patient’s underlying issues and yet an online rando will tell another online rando that they know their true feelings and purposes and can see who they really are. Imagine if people actually could build up an in-depth psychological profile of another human with the sole resource of a few tweets? How many venture capital vultures would spunk their portfolios on that action? Meanwhile, the YouTube algorithm seems to think that I’m currently vacillating between booking a holiday in Tel Aviv or Saudi Arabia. There really isn’t much of any value to anyone rattling around this skull of mine and yet I remain grateful that no human or synthetic mind has the ability or inclination to peer into it.