Open for Business!!!

Hello my fellow Coilers, you've probably missed me and have been wondering where I've been...


Okay well then, no worries. I bet you were at least wondering what I've been doing...


That's the spirit!

Okay, I won't keep you in suspense any longer. Over the last couple weeks...

I've been hard at work...


wait for it.....


I built......

A website!





Now I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, “But NickelNDime, does that mean you're leaving Coil?” It's okay to have those thoughts and feelings of anxiety, because I'm a very important person. The answer is 'no,' I'm not leaving Coil. I built the website to compliment my Coil account. I know, it sounds confusing, doesn't it?

This might have been the best sketch these three were in together.


Let me explain. I've been blogging about coding my own PC game since October of last year. To the readers that have followed me along on that journey I would like to thank you all for your support. That's why it was bitter sweet when I finished. On one hand, I had finished a game that was pretty cool to play. On the other, none of my readers could play it. Rather than fall into despair, I got to thinking, and I remembered reading about a feature Gamemaker Studio 2 had.

The coding software had an add-on for purchase that would allow me to compile my game down to a HTML file! My brain went into overdrive as it tried to solve my dilemma...

If only my brain was this productive.

It finally came to me that if I designed a web page, complied my game to a HTML file, then my readers could play my game! However, what started as a simple 5 minute project, turned into a month long ordeal that consumed my ever waking moment.

What was the hold up?

When I first compiled the game for HTML, it was unplayable. I had to go back and re-code certain sections. Next, I coded the website using WordPress, which was a steep learning curve for me. Then after that, the game was not syncing with the website. Lastly I hooked my Coil account up to it, so if any Coil subscribers go to my page, I make phat XRP!!!

Does anyone else hear Ric Flair's voice when you see this meme?


What's on the site?

That was another reason for the delay. I didn't want a, 'one page website' with my game on it, so I designed it with some room to grow. A lot of my favorite blogs I've written on Coil will be put in the BLOG section. As of right now, there's just the, “I'm Coding a Game” series in that section. Next, I made a podcast! I'm being very humble when I say this, but it's the greatest podcast in the history of podcasts...ever! Finally, there's a section for my game and hopefully, room for future games.

One drawback...

As of right now, the game only plays on a desktop or laptop. There are plans in the future to make a mobile version, but as of right now, it only runs on a basic computer.

Anyway I should quit stalling...

Hope you dig it!


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