We Have a Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner!

Yesterday, I posted a contest in the subscriber section of my article. I would award 200XRP to the first person who posted a video of themselves beating my game on Cinnamon. Mateo from MGSocial rose to the challenge! Mateo is creating a social media platform that doesn't data mine, and there are no adds. Pretty cool stuff. Watch here as he gets to the infamous LVL 3!!!

I had a grin that stretched from ear to ear as I watched and listened to Mateo play my game. It was flattering to hear that this was the first game he has ever streamed.

So... yeah... I was Mateo's first...


I was devastated when he got to LVL 3 and saw that Chester was stuck in the ground. It was such a punch to the old morale as I viewed with horror while someone was trying hard to win the grand prize, and something in the game was glitched out because of something I did.

Now I know how Switch felt from the Matrix...



I immediately realized what the problem was. The sprite was set too close at the start of LVL 3. When I switched the old Chester out for the new one, I didn't compensate for the size difference! Grrrr... Oh well, it's an easy fix and will be implemented in the next update. Since Mateo was the first to get to the furthest point and post his video on Cinnamon, he is technically the winner!

So with that, it is with great joy (and a tinge of embarrassment) that I proclaim *Mateo the first winner of Rooftop Rampage!* I will be sending the Grand Prize of 200XRP via Tipbot shortly after I publish this article. AND! he will be the first posted on the soon to be created, Wall of Greats on the Gamepage on NickelNDime.net.

Thanks to all who participated!!! The next contest will be announced when the next major update drops. It really is awesome to see people get enjoyment from something I created, as well as provide feedback on how to make it better.

Speaking of feedback, I have to get ready for my video chat with Kass to go over some of the suggestions we received!

Take it easy, but take it!

NickelNDime Out!