Chronique littéraire 14 (Keller & Papasan)

Gary Keller & Jay Papasan – The One Thing (Passez à l'essentiel)

I've started to get interested on the topic of Focus some time ago, and already wrote about it (see here or here). As a feedback, a colleague of mine asked if I had read The One Thing, which I didn't – but now it's done !

Focus comes in many different shape or form. G. Keller & J. Papasan boil it down to 1 question : What's the ONE thing I can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary? The book covers 3 parts : 1/ false ideas that drives us away from the truth 2/ what is the simple path to productivity 3/ how this can unleash extraordinary results. The book itself has a lot of examples, it's a pretty simple read. I'd say it falls in the 'inspirational, sometimes a bit bullshit, with interesting wisdom' category – and definitely lacks scientific support.

And as usual with “business” books, there is fluff and I guess it could be streamlined to a blog post (but no money or fame in that). So I will do it for you !

Nota : I read the book in french, so all quotes are in french

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