
DIY Window Tinting Tips If you are anything like me then you will look for any and every way to save a few pennies. I don't call myself cheap, just a shrewd bargain hunter. So naturally when it came time to have my office windows tinted, I opted to go down the whole DIY route. Here are some instructions and tips which I picked up along the way. Make sure you have enough space This lesson was learned the hard way for me. I had a large roll of solar window tinting film which I needed to cut into a 1.6m x 1m rectangle. I rolled it out on the boardroom table but it wasn't big enough so I ended up with poorly cut window film. Make sure you clear a large area of floor or table space. It has to be at least more than half as big as the size of solar film you are cutting out. Any smaller and you're likely to end up with a wasted piece of tinting film like me. Have a level or long ruler handy Trying to cut a straight line is not as easy as it seems. Having something hard to run your knife next to like a guide is very handy and will stop you from cutting wonky. Be prepared I did things a little backwards, first I cut my window tinting film then realised I hadn't cleaned my window so I had to put my film down and clean the windows and wait for them to dry! The correct order would be to make sure your windows are clean before you start anything to do with the window tint film. [Window Tint Philadelphia](https://selectautoglassplus.com/)