
Coronavirus prophylactic protocol and therapeutic protocol and the facts, from a good source

I have studied the novel coronavirus sars-nCov-2019 since 2019. I know more about it than any boomer or stupid white woman. I am not a doctor. A doctor will tell you to take the vaccine.

This isn't over till the fat lady sings. Groups of 5 or less, responsible adults, outside preferably. People who are not on my protocol are a liability. Old ladies who insist on going to evangelizing/missionary/global churches are a liability, as is anyone who pretends the virus isn't real.

Vaccinated individuals are not a liability.

Yes, the vaccine is going to kill most of the people who took it- but this isn't because Moderna, Astro-Zeneca, or Fauci wants to kill anyone. Rather, scientists are arrogant and design things with the intention to fix the bugs later. It's going to protect those who took it for now. But, later, when it doesn't effect variants, but weakens the innate immune system and provides doorways though ADE, it will prime them to fail. Those people will require additional boosters, and the statistical chance of an immune reaction to ingredients in the virus, is like wasp venom- any allergy they might have developed from the first two boosters may prove fatal later on.

But the vaccine wasn't designed to kill or sterilize anyone, and it's not going to, at least not intentionally. Certain unusual ingredients designed to make it work are causing a myriad of rare syndromes, especially in vulnerable people, but those people may already have been at risk and the vaccine was merely an (in)opportune trigger. We may also not understand fully how the vaccines mechanism of protection functions. With that said, this regiment may also protect people who took the vaccine. As far as anyone who whole-heartedly embraced the vaccine and has any criticism for those who do not, I will simply put forth the following:

https://i.imgur.com/ahbAF6g.png //claims that are reasonable, about the side effects of the vaccine https://phys.org/news/2021-06-discovery-human-cells-rna-sequences.html //proof the vaccine may actually alter human DNA

Wear a fucking mask, or don't go out in public more than once a month. Take care of your health, lose weight, and if you drink or smoke- stop. This is not a substitute for the qualified medical advice of a DO or MD. With that said, my protocol is battle tested. Nothing in the below list is lacking in effect and none of it is meaningless.

Covid Protocol

covid prophylaxis – dosage is estimated, adjust for body mass – do not overdose

the above IS sufficient to prevent infection if healthy and exposure is LIMITED/viral load is low. This protocol is safe to take every day, and safe to take once every other day or miss a day or two. It will also help if you forgot and then take it when exposed. It is usually safe to combine with other medicines.

covid therapeutic if symptoms/exposed:

This therapeutic protocol is safe to take with the prophylaxis, not recommended to take on a continual basis, usually safe to combine with other medicines.

Enhanced covid therapeutic options

These additional options are not proven to be of great benefit, but recommended and tested by doctors and patients, have limited side effects, and the e. angustifolia may help with cytokine swarms. It should be safe to combine this with the theraputic and the prophylactic all at the same time, but I don't recommend doing this unless you fear a bad infection and want to be sure of your safety.

Doctors and qualified medical practitioners only therapeutic protocol: add to above only according to doctor's direction as these medicines can have side effects or interact with other medicines:

Potentially dangerous combinations or side effects for each, when combined with each other or with other medicines you already take. Not recommended to take this with the other parts of the protocol, theraputic or prophylactic, without a doctor's consultation and professional help to identify any issues with regards to the kidney, liver, or other internal organs.

The truth about coronavirus:

What we know about it:

What we've learned to do to reduce the risk and reduce the spread:

6 feet apart, everyone wears a mask, sick people should wear a better mask.

What we know not to do:

use of steroid therapeutics to prevent cytokine swarms is resulting in fungal infections that destroy entire body from inside. extremely grotesque and life-threatening. keeping patients on their backs in hospital beds is resulting in fluid pooling in their lungs and causing pneumonia that kills them. Standing behind someone with a mask is worse than standing in front of them.

The Sars-nCov-2019 Story:

How it all began:

  1. Some retarded and corrupt old people decided leaking certain research to china would result in china making a shitty virus, that shitty virus would make its way here, trump would fail to stop it, they could hype it up, and then they would be able to vacc/mask it away and promote their global agenda, all while advancing their globalist interests over the Chinese steamroller. They started by releasing harmless variants as soon as a year earlier in the USA where it has appeared in the immunological record.
  2. The “harmless” variants began to spread, the retarded old people got scared and realized if they didn't act quickly, it would be apparent that the pandemic didn't begin in china and they'd get the blame- it would get traced back here.
  3. The Chinese lab was tampered with by covert assets operating in Taiwanese intelligence(where chinky variant never got to because they shut their borders fast) and the wu-flu infected multiple researchers. The researchers, afraid they'd lose their funding, hid their infections until it was too late and beginning to spread.
  4. A month later wu-flu has gone full shitter in Wuhan and Winnie the pooh figures out oh shit gotta do something and starts to lock down china- but the virus has already gone too far for proper containment.
  5. The world doesn't realize that the virus inoculates for 3 days before symptoms begin to show(besides loss of smell/taste) and so it spreads quite far initially. Areas like NYC, parts of Italy, and other regions where nutritional deficiencies conspire with dramatic amounts of wealth begin to show signs of the pandemic spreading.
  6. The corrupt American elite shit their pants. It wasn't supposed to be like this. Their home-grown variant that's harmless hadn't spread as far or as comprehensively as they wanted, and people here were beginning to die, especially their voter base cough the old cough the minorities cough – the rich.
  7. They hastily bum-fuck rushed a vaccine research program to figure out what they could get out right now, oxford and others were cooing and aahing over their new tech, they see an opportunity for intellectual collusion to make them feel more like god, everything else fell into place.
  8. Corruption and wickedness abounded and no competent leader stepped up or has even to this day to fix this situation. The world is rudderless, save the hand of God, which protects only his own.

Where it will go from here:

What to do

What to do if you live in a big city

Final Notes

Never assume malice where incompetence is a reasonable explanation. If the elite were conspiring to wipe us all out, eventually, one of them would blab- big time. Secondly, they wouldn't plan to destroy their labor force. Nobody smart shits in their own bed. If the fifth column was as real as certain people believe it is, we'd know about it by now with the internet and hillary's emails. Some elites are up to some pretty wacky shit- bohemian grove, sex rituals, maybe even some human sacrifice. A little. Nothing new- and there's no reason that the old ways from Rome and Greece didn't survive to here- if they survived in Nazi Germany, they are here too. There's no vast coordinated conspiracy. Nerds are dumb, the vacc is dumb, congress is corrupt, the rich are greedy, and we live in corporate serfdom.

If these lockdowns and mask-up keep happening we might just see influenza go extinct. As the corporations run out of people to burn their business structure will implode and they will go bankrupt. Economic resets happen quickly, but the risk of violence can be pretty profound. You'll come to see the wisdom in the constitution the day your rape whistle can no longer summon a slave of the state.

Sincerely, Anonymous