I have spent the day at the hospital. I'm supposed to get up in 5 hours to do the whole thing again. Unfortunately I'm not working my previous dream career. No, I'm there to visit my husband, who is currently admitted, yet still in the ER because there are no beds.

He has bilateral pulmonary emboli & if we hadn't caught it just in time, he'd be dead and I'd be a widow.

I'm not ready to be a widow at 35.

He's in good hands, being taken care of. But there's a nasty undercurrent to all of this, something that has caused us more stress than the health problems that have landed him there in the first place.

Every day we are tacitly or explicitly reminded that we are not people in BC anymore. We are unpeople — untermenschen. We are the unwanted, the unclean, the dangerous. We are the people taking up space who must not be tolerated in a clean, prosperous Canada.

We are the unvaccinated.

Some will say, because they lack the ability to reason their way out of a paper bag, that we have chosen to be second class citizens, that we could easily regain our status if we simply chose to get the jabs.

Some will say that people who refuse things that are “necessary for the health of all” have no place in a civilized society.

These people are collaborators, or accommodators. They may not realize it, but their “reasoning” is the exact same that led to people being exterminated in every single genocide or mass killing in history. I don't need to allude to Nazi Germany; there are thousands of examples.

(You want some? Rwanda. Bosnia. The Russo-Circassian War. Cambodia. The White Terror in Spain. Pick up a book and see that history is rhyming.)

“But it's a choice!” you scream at me.

Fine. Then choose to stop being Christian. Choose to stop being a professional or “intellectual”. Choose to abandon your political convictions. Choose to stop being a vegan on ethical grounds. Choose to stop the diet that keeps your health on track.

What if tomorrow our esteemed leaders say “Actually, you all NEED to be vegetarian or our society will collapse. You must comply. Those who do not will lose their jobs, and not be allowed in polite society. Vegetarianism is the only way to ensure the health of all Canadians going forward.”

What if a year ago your doctor told you you needed a diet with lots of animal proteins for your health?

What if now that doctor refused to write you an exemption for the new enforced vegetarianism?

Or what if the powers that be said, “Hey, you can't be vegan anymore. It's hurting the bees, and if it hurts the bees our ecosystem will collapse. We need to support beekeepers and other animal industries, and do our part. You must consume honey products, keep beeswax in your home, and furthermore you must support other animal industries to keep the ecosystem going. You can't use synthetic yarn anymore; you must use wool.”

What if you're vegan because of strongly held convictions? Because it would be anathema to the core of you to consume any sort of animal product?

What if by refusing to comply, you lose your livelihood, your friends, and any feeling of safety in the country of your birth?

Now do you understand what we are saying?

When you isolate a portion of the population for personal choices that are part of their strongly held convictions, that are choices made for their health, for choices that are religious, for choices that have to do with their bodily autonomy — the sovereignty of their person — you are engaging in evil acts.

This is where the strawmen arguments come out, about keeping people safe, and what if your “personal choice” was to murder others.

Please shut up.

Because what you are advocating is this:

You are advocating that people like my husband should be separated from his wife when dealing with massive health issues.

You are arguing that despite the health issues that would definitely be exacerbated by the Covid vaccines currently on the market, my husband should be forced to take them.

You are arguing I should be a widow.

And you are arguing that I should be made a widow in the waiting room, separated from his side, unable to tell him how much I love him in his final moments.

Currently, I am lucky. My husband is safe in the ER, where doctors don't push the vaxx as strongly, and where I am still allowed to visit him. If they move him to a ward, I will be prevented from seeing my husband — my HUSBAND — while he deals with the fight of his life.

I will be prevented from being his PATIENT ADVOCATE if a doctor on the ward tries to push the vaxx. And I know they will, because I used to work in a hospital. I have seen the shit. I have been in the shit.

It was working in a hospital that convinced me we are never, ever getting these vaccines, and nothing you say will ever convince me.

These are our strongly held convictions. My husband has been clear: his medical orders for scope of treatment are as follows:

All extraordinary measures, all life-saving measures, unless those measures are “the Covid vaccine (any one of them)”, in which case, no, fuck no, never in a thousand years, fuck right off with that shit.

Because yes, there's a chance he gets Covid, and there's a chance it's really bad, and he's really sick.

But there's also a chance — a HIGH chance, you can't argue against that if you're able to read things and look outside the news and Facebook — that if he takes any of those vaccines that will supposedly give him an easier time of Covid, he will have an adverse event.

And seeing as he's already got massive (yes, that was the word used by the doc) clots in his lungs, he is at high risk for further clotting. Which is a known adverse event of the vaccine.

Even knowing that, his mom was still pushing him to get it. This is how far the mind virus goes.

And today, heading into the hospital, I went through the main entrance. Why? Stupid me, I guess; I had to park closer to the main entrance and I had a heavy bag of supplies for him. I decided instead of walking all the way around the building to the ER entrance, where I am never, ever hassled, I'd just go through the front.

After all, his mom hadn't had any issues going through the main entrance.

I got asked if I was vaccinated. I responded that I wasn't comfortable giving my private medical information to her, because that is the only response you should give when asked by people whose business it is NONE OF what you do with your body.

Imagine if we asked strangers how many sexual partners they had, or what their latest pap test results were, or if they have herpes. All far better indicators of presence of contagion, by the way.

She, of course, had to say “Well you can't go see him then.”

I informed her she was wrong, because he is in the ER, and I am allowed to see him, and that is the policy, but of course she had to call down and check even though I'm sure she KNOWS the policy and was just enjoying her time putting a filthy unvaccinated in her place.

What I wanted to say was this:

I don't give a fuck what your policies are. I am his WIFE. I married him in front of witnesses and a priestess and the gods themselves, and no one is going to tell me I cannot see him when he is in the fight of his life. The gods themselves would have to descend from Mount Olympus and tell me not to go in, and even then I'd probably clock Zeus on the chin for even suggesting it.

What I wanted to say was this:

You are violating the sacred laws of marriage, you are trespassing in Hera's domain, and I hope she pays special attention to you and you know her mercy.

What I wanted to say was this:

Would you also like to know my religion? In case it's a dangerous one?

What I wanted to say was this:

Shouldn't you be saying that with a German accent?

What I wanted to say was this:

That man in there I love more than life itself, more than the air in my lungs, and if I could I would GIVE him my lungs if it would help, if it would make him breathe easier, if it would save him even a second's discomfort. That man in there is supposed to be the father of my children but because of pandemic policies ruining the economy and, frankly, our lives, we have yet AGAIN had to put off starting a family and every time my period comes we mourn together. That man in there IS my life. I am HIS WIFE. And not god, not you, not ANYBODY will keep me from his side.

And if you try, I will burn your life to the ground and salt the earth so nothing grows there again.

But I did not. I was surprisingly civil, even though I wanted to take this woman by the hair and smash her masked face into the plexiglass window between us. I didn't tell her to go fuck herself with a cactus, I didn't strike her, and I sure as hell didn't turn around, get back into my car, and drive it through the entrance, trapping her between my vehicle and the wall.

All incredibly violent urges, yes.

Because my husband is in the hospital with something that could kill him and tiny dictators are getting their rocks off trying to keep us apart.

I think, considering I keep my urges in check, I am allowed to think them.

I think when faced with evil, it is a struggle not to give in to evil yourself.

I think collaborators get what they fucking deserve.

If you support these policies, you are on the side of evil. If you put your head in the sand, you let evil flourish. If you act to enforce these policies, the refrain of “just doing my job” will not save you when the reckoning comes.

And I am going to remember each and every one of you.

Author's Note: this was written on June 10th. At midnight on the 11th, my husband was moved up to the ward and I was forbidden from seeing him until he was discharged on Monday the 13th.

I was able to get the nurses in the ER to put in his chart that we refused the Covid vaccines, in black and red and white, and he didn't get one forced on him as far as he knows. (No evidence of injections on his shoulders.)

As he heals from this ordeal, we continue to be reliant on a medical system I no longer have any faith in. It will be months before he regains his health, and in that time I must practice constant vigilance and continue to be his advocate.

In the meantime, I continue to offer my prayers to the gods, that collaborators may know Their mercy.