A Social Media Detox vs An Internet Detox

They are two very different things. For myself, I spend literally all of my time on social media, so when i want to go off of it for an extended period of time, I just don't pay my (prepaid) phone bill, and Wah-La! No more Internet for me for a few weeks!

I bring this up because three different people on my Twitter timeline are claiming to be on social media “detoxes” and it seems that they have tried and failed this before, as have many others, and my only advice to anyone who wants to attempt to do a social media detox is to just do an Internet detox. We live in a very different world than we did before social media and people spend the majority of their Internet time on social media because it seems to be the only thing to do + it is where everyone is + is the most active + what we have simply become accustomed to.

Leaving the entire Internet for 2, 3, 4+ weeks is very cathartic, relaxing, slower-moving, and just overall positive in my experience. I listen to the radio, get a book or two read, sometimes buy a newspaper, and do a lot of good old fashioned writing. :)

But it isn't for everyone. I understand that.