I'm Wired And Bored

So as i sit here, i decided to do a quick check-up on whether or not the Disability Discharge thing went through w/ my student loan (singular), and it said that even MORE follow-up info is needed and i sincerely have no fucking clue what they are going to ask for this time. I did everything in my power to get them the exact paperwork they have been requesting and if they want some other “version” of the shit i just sent, i am going to throw in the fucking towel and not send them a fucking thing and let them reject the entire loan discharge process. It is $970 and by this time i could have easily paid off that amt by now had i not been preoccupied/holding out hope for them to give me a discharge. These types of offerings that the gov't. issues are nothing more than a scam because some bullshit bill passed in the Senate at one time or another and they have to offer them to make it look like they are forgiving some loans when really they probably have a libertarians running the discharge center and they systematically reject every fucking application that comes in. Fucking retarded.

idgaf though bc i can just pay the shit off (eventually, i suppose) and say “fuck all” to any and all college. I am not interested in college anymore, anyway. There is basically nothing to gain from it except for a job hunting license and even then you will be most certainly overworked and underpaid. Hell, some motherfuckers don't even look for work after they get their BA or whateverthefuck it is that they went for. They look for a job for a month and then just stop looking. It's whatever but it still perplexes me that anyone is even interested in a higher ed degree anymore just for the sake of them being able to say that they have one. I was in this camp, but that is no longer the case. Fuck college.