today. restless.

i had a complete lack of sleep last night and a decent amount of caffeine today, so i was restless most of the day and wanting to sleep but i didn't get any whatsoever until just about an hour ago. i feel much better now.

haircut didn't happen. too hot. too sweaty.

paid back a hundo to the moms

got stuffs paid

ordered sick af jeans, a waffle/longjohn shirt, and a pair of shoes that are absolutely necessary bc the shoes i am wearing right now are blistering the fuck out of my right heel :(

also got all-possible stuff for laundry, dishwasher stuff, razors, toiletries, etc etc etc.

putting money on the laundry card later after it is not as hot, after the sun goes down.

i have an appt tomorrow, too. but i am def getting my hair cut at 9 AM sharp so i am not sweaty when i walk in + i won't have to wait.

haircuts are v important to me

almost like frreshhhh shaves

So what a cool day! Just not the temperature i want. at all. still good though

be back in a bit!