Writing writing writing

As I sit here and brew coffee, i am thinking about what was discussed w/ the employment specialist at BJC South today. Essentially, we are aiming for me to get a job in writing (if possible, that's a stretch), or a small/indie shop where i am working w/ technology (computer repair type stuff, possibly). There may be some vocational rehabilitation services involved at some point or/and job training, but idk at this point. we'll see.

this coffee is gonna be delicious and i am already still a bit wired from the Dunkin Donuts frapp i had a little bit earlier before the appt. i also have a therapy appt tomorrow (here) that i have to text the moms about so i can get therapy money for said appt. I am a cash client. Have been for a long time, actually.

anyway, the NelNet student loan discharge paperwork has been received by the loan company/bank/whatever and the paperwork is “under review” so i am hoping it goes through and better yet, if it didn't take an awful long time. Getting back into STLCC (even though college is a scam) would be a good thing for the Spring 2019 semester. I missed the boat for Fall 2018 because of this exact same paperwork :(

Coffee is on

be back in a bit!