Lost in a world of limitless possibilities

Some days ago I came across this sentence on a different blog here on write.as (can't quite remember who wrote it) and somehow it stuck with me.

It seems that our generation's greatest advantage presents also one of the largest problems. If we live in a world where we are free to do anything, then this freedom can become a burden to us. Because once we are free to make our choices, it also means we are ultimately responsible for what we are doing with our lives. If we are free to do anything, then we are responsible if we are living a life that we do not like.

In some sense, though not enjoying the quality of living that we have today, our ancestors had it easier when it came to making decisions for themselves. You just did what everyone else in your town and village was doing. The people you could compare yourselves to, and had to compete with, were restricted to whoever was in your geographical location. There were fewer people to envy, fewer people who could put up a sharade of being OK. You worked whatever it was that your father and his father did before you.

Nowadays, you are not competing with some people in your village, but you compete with people from all around the globe. You can travel wherever you want fairly quickly and are able to work wherever you want to. The limitless possibilities, paired with the relentless image crafting on social media makes us a society always afraid of missing out.

So, to echo whoever wrote this sentence some time ago: Yes....sometimes we can feel incredibly lost in this world of limitless possibilities.