Slight Hunger

Today is my day I took some time to do what I haven't done in a while...fasting any and all food (i.e. calories, sugary drinks included) for a 24 hour period. One hour and ten minutes to go.

People fast for many different reasons: Health, spirituality, tradition, to test themselves. Mine, being a Christian, is spiritual. Abstaining from food gives me time to think, time to pray, time to listen to God and cleanse my thoughts. It is as if when I abstain from food, it let's me focus on the things that really matter. But it is more than this.

It makes me grateful to have an abundance of food, when I finally break my fast.

It makes me remember people less fortunate than me around the globe, for whom going hungry is neither a choice, nor a spiritual exercise, but a necessity.

It also reminds me that I do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of my creator.

Today, my prayers focused on upcoming events and the trajectory of my life in general. Safe to say, I am not happy in the place that I am right now. I don't like what I am doing with my life and what I am spending most of my day doing (a job I really don't like). Or it might just be my lack of food talking, I always get (slightly) depressed when I don't eat. This becomes a problem especially during longer fasts.

I would think my greatest desire would for a sense of wonder, amazement and adventure to return to my life. I wasn't made for the 9 to 5, watching my days, weeks, months and years pass by. I believe that none of us were.

So, if your life lacks a sense of purpose and adventure, it is my prayer on that day that these things would return to the lives of all of us.