Where We Are Now

Is this thing on?

Rising Action

I don’t know about you, dear reader, but when I set upon reading a book – it is a rare book indeed that kicks off with the climax. In Media Res is one thing, picking up in the midst of the action and following the intrepid hero through a great battle against an enemy with bated breath just begging to see where things go. But, it’s a rare and queer tale that begins atop the mountain with nothing left to do.

So I write now in hopes that my experience can offer some comfort to those who are similar. I hope my tale may resonate with someone out there in such a way to offer comfort – the comfort I’ve needed and found fulfilled in some ways but those ways lacked an immediate, friendly voice.

So imagine this a conversation with yourself, this little series I am going to call West Toward Eden.

So What’s This All About?

To lay things out clear, these are the facts of the case and the dirty details of the blaze that was my life before I write this. I’ve bulleted this for ease of reading.

But, that was the valley. That was Nod. That was east of Eden. Here are a few more truths:

And so this is for the Christian who has stumbled. The Christian who has discovered mental illness and who struggles to find a friend. Hopefully the words across this digital page may be a comfort to you out there. And, hopefully we can learn some more about ourselves, our God, and the beauty ahead of us.

Why Write?

For me, I have often felt that writing (or music) are the only two ways I can effectively communicate what it is that I feel. While I am knowingly gifted and comfortable speaking in public situations, I prefer writing because I prefer deliberation.

But why write about this? To get it out and hope that maybe one more honest story catches someone like me before it all goes bad and, that ultimately, the Gospel can grow through this experience of mine.

If nothing else, it is to offer a “listening ear” as best I can for those in moments I rememember.