Pablo Felip


Simplificando las fórmulas en las hojas de cálculo de Google usando Apps Script. Tuit original y versión ligeramente ampliada en Area Developers de la Comunidad de GEG Spain. #AppsScript #Comunidad #GoogleSheets #Idea #Tuit

Get random pics of people entirely generated from scratch by an AI (with some parametrized facial traits) using Google Apps Script #AppsScript #Idea #Gist #Tuit

Using Array.prototype.reduce() to substitute multiple text substrings with a single line of Apps Script code using <placeholders> to personalize email notifications. #AppsScript #Gist #Idea #Tuit

Unscramble Google REST APIs using the built-in live API tester. #AppsScript #Idea #Tuit

The magnificent UNIQUE and FLATTEN Google Sheets' built-in functions. #GoogleSheets #Idea #Tuit

Mandelbrot running inside a Google spreadsheet keeps showing that the V8 runtime is slower than Rhino... sometimes. #AppsScript #GitHub #Idea #Tuit