Making arrays returned by the Google Sheets API homogeneous to avoid errors or undefined
#AppsScript #Idea #Tuit
Making arrays returned by the Google Sheets API homogeneous to avoid errors or undefined
#AppsScript #Idea #Tuit
A custom function for Google Sheets that generates a table of contents with optional links to all its worksheets. #AppsScript #GoogleSheets #Gist
Two tips for Apps Script concerning the use of secret authorization credentials. #AppsScript #Idea #Tuit
Locate the container documents of embedded Apps Scripts easily. #AppsScript #Truco #Tuit
Some Apps Script DocumentApp
text methods do work for paragraphs!
#AppsScript #Truco #Tuit
eMayordomo, un script GAS que responde automáticamente a las consultas recibidas desde formularios web con respuestas preparadas ricas (HTML, adjuntos, imágenes en línea). Artículo + código y documentación técnica. #AppsScript #Artículo #GitHub
Using a Data Studio report to monitor the proper operation of an Apps Script that writes its log into a Google Spreadsheet. #AppsScript #Idea #Tuit #Video
and LockService
to prevent multiple activations of an Apps Script trigger.
#AppsScript #Idea #Tuit #Video
Tip to fetch emails marked with a given user label using Apps Script. #AppsScript #Truco #Tuit
Simplificando las fórmulas en las hojas de cálculo de Google usando Apps Script. Tuit original y versión ligeramente ampliada en Area Developers de la Comunidad de GEG Spain. #AppsScript #Comunidad #GoogleSheets #Idea #Tuit