Email To A Potential Buyer For A First Aid Kit

Dear Alisha,

Consider this, what would you do if your daughter got a sharp cut in her leg while playing in the backyard?

Or, your finger receives a painful blow from the kitchen knife while you were cutting vegetables for the dinner?

Or your significant other got swelled arms, sunburns etc.?

That's where our All-Purpose First Aid Kit comes handy.

It comes with all the essential supplies for minor cuts & scrapes, burns & swelling, several types of regular body pains.

It comes in a portable & lightweight nylon case.

The 298 Piece All-Purpose First Aid Kit will have you prepared for any potential emergency at home, in the office or on the go.

There's never been the best time to get it than now.

Buy now from here at a reduced price of $13.99.

You'll get yourself a deal of 35% discount on retail prices.

Offer ends Friday

Thanks, X

[Self-note] – The actual email will contain links to the product and reviews. This is a spec work. :)