‌As long as you are unhappy, you will keep on buying. You are never pretty enough. You are never strong enough. You are never confident enough. You are and never will be, enough. Desire! Desire for more! Buy to beautify, buy to strengthen, buy to fake, buy to lie to yourself – I am more beautiful, I am stronger, I feel more confident. It lasts a second, a minute, a day, or even a few. You are enough, but for a moment so brief, you barely notice. Then start the chase again – there is always, always, something to improve, beautify, fake, resize, optimize. You pour your creative drive, your life's energy into the chase – there, there, behind the corner, that ephemeral dream of happiness, fulfilment, that illusion of feeling whole, complete, enough! But you will never be enough. You are not created to be enough. You are shaped needy, always hungry, for food, love, affection, recognition. I am human and therefore I need! I starve, I suffer, I bleed need! Give me! The pleading child in you forever cries for attention it had not been given, when it needed it the most. And so you are stuck in the forever chase of buying promises of happiness, knick knacks of confidence, souvenirs of strength. As long as you need, the capitalist is satisfied. He, just like you, always needs, always craves, expands, until his very own vastness suffocates him, and you, and all of us. There is no winner in the capitalist chase. No end goal, no paradise, no rest at the end of the long road. Only, the ever-changing dream, the cloudy vision of the non existent victory, and the poisonous reinvention of one pervasive need after another.