Propaganda has gotten quite a reputation, and in many people's minds is equal to brainwashing. However, if you look up the origins of the word, you will see that propoganda used to describe “any movement or organization to propagate some practice or ideology” (1790). The modern political sense (“dissemination of information intended to promote a political point of view”) dates from World War I, not originally pejorative and implying bias or deliberate misleading. Meaning “material or information propagated to advance a cause, etc.” is from 1929 (Online Etymology Dictionary).

The word propaganda is used nowadays to induce fear. The images of an authoritarian government, dull grey colors, parades of people all marching as one, faces of solemn men on banners, the mood of chilling sameness and bleak conformity are used to scare us into staying as far away as possible from anything even remotely connected to propaganda.

There is a notion that propaganda is inherent to certain types of states of government. And it is true, to an extent. Some suppose that the nations who attempted to build communism, are much more often prone to spreading propaganda. And again, this is true, to an extent.

Let us have a look at the modern world. Do we see particular ideas and beliefs receiving more attention? Do we see certain people, lifestyles being showcased as more desirable? Do we see the rigidity of the modern ideology preoccupied with some virtues, and vilifying others? What is it, if not propaganda?

Whether propaganda is harmful or not, you should be the judge. Think, do you truly agree with the values presented to you? If you do, then make sure you fully understand what these values stand for. And once you make up your mind, remain open to challenging these values every once in a while. Do not let your mind stagnate, or cling to virtue signalling.

This can help you avoid falling victim to harmful propaganda. And if the propaganda actually promotes something of benefit, then there shouldn't be a cause for concern.

I see myself bombarded with harmful propaganda in the modern capitalist world. Somehow, notions and beliefs that aren't even relevant to my life, creep into my mind. All of a sudden, l become even more unhappy with myself, something is always missing, aha, it is this perfect thing, this readily available solution. And how can I get it? Well, of course, you have to work hard to get it, good things aren't cheap. And so the cycle of a manufactured need-artificial solution is set.

But mindless consumerism is far from being the only, or the worst ways we receive propaganda nowadays.

Far worse, is that our perception of the world, of the people, of the past, are all skewed, tilted, at first, somewhat gently, and then, rather violently to the direction that inevitably leads us to fear, hostility, ignorance, and greed. We are shown, time and time again, what family is supposed to be like, what love is supposed to appear like, what hard work looks like. And in this endless array of images, we are infiltrated with ideas and ideals, many of which may have been completely foreign to us, given varying circumstances.

I assert that we live in a world filled with the most harmful propaganda to date. I wish I was propagated the virtues of the free world, but alas, such ideas are rarely pushed, they lie here on the surface, readily available, and yet modest in their lack of desire to dominate one's mind. True virtues are hard to push, they are boring, they aren't glamorous, and they cannot be faked, at least not for long.

And so we remain, in the world full of meaningless fear mongering, being afraid of what is already happening to us, anxious to see the truth, afraid of what we might see behind the curtain. Lift up the curtain, I say. It is up to you to decide, and I cannot for certain tell you what's behind it.