Stay, stay, How comfortable Stay In this little cave The cushy walls Won't stain From the tears. Quiet, quiet, Quiet, my child If you could stay quiet We would survive. No, no, my child, The time has not yet come They still have too many guns They still will not shy away From harm. Hush, hush, my child, There won't be any food for now They took away more this time Tomorrow, maybe... No, no, my child, You will have to survive You cannot just die without me You have to live. What, what, my child, Your nagging makes me tired, There is no food or water, You have to work harder, won't you? Wait, wait, my child, In waiting you won't be blinded By hope and by reckess pride The thoughts of another life I, I, my child, am afraid, will have to die, Stay strong, my child, Alone you will have more time... No, no, my child, The time has not yet come, They have even more guns now They'll bring more and more harm. I, I, my child... No breath left to soothe you now You are on your own, my child, No need to avenge me, child. Death, come easy, now All I have done is bow My child will take my place And bow down to the superior race!