Graduate Attribute 6 – Communication & Interpersonal Skills


My coursework studies have prepared me well to communicate effectively and interact with a variety of people using strong interpersonal skills. In particular, a number of courses provided insight into the importance of being person-centred communication and communicating with each individual in a way that meets their particular needs. Vinathe Sharma-Brymer’s course examined the importance of cultural sensitivity and of changing the way that we communicate with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, which I found enormously helpful. The learning experience itself has also taught me valuable lessons about communication, with the need to communicate with peers, staff, tutors and lecturers, and other staff. Studying with a cohort of peers from diverse backgrounds and circumstances has helped me to become a better communicator and develop strong interpersonal skills in an academic context.

Field Education

My practicums, particularly at the community mental health organisation, have provided excellent opportunities to practise and enhance my existing communication and interpersonal skills in a social-work setting. During face-to-face bio-psycho-social assessments, I have used interpersonal skills to build rapport with clients and their families before clearly communicating confidentiality and consent policies. I was also required to contribute to multidisciplinary team meetings and discussions. I have learnt that being open to feedback contributes to a warm team environment, and that when a team already has positive communication as one of its traits, my own interpersonal skills contribute to that team dynamic. I am able to communicate effectively with individuals – both clients and colleagues – and within groups, for example in multi-disciplinary team meetings. My field educator listed my strengths as warmth, rapport, gentleness, and commented on my interest in people; my thorough clinical notes; and my ability to bring fresh eyes to multidisciplinary team meetings. In the future I would like to become more confident with my abilities, and to trust myself more.


The importance of effective communication and of communication skills was instilled in me from a young age. My mother was a primary school teacher and always emphasised the importance of being able to interact with people, no matter who they are or where they come from, and to be clear and precise in communication, which prepared me well and gave me strong communication skills. Growing up, I met people from a variety of backgrounds, with different levels of education and life experiences, and I developed the ability to “code-switch” when I was young, and to communicate differently depending on the interlocutor. This taught me the importance of finding common ground and talking to people in a way that is meaningful to them, as well as considering their own communication skills. I genuinely like people and consider myself able to get along with many different people, and have always considered myself fortunate to have strong interpersonal skills, which I am able to apply to my social-work praxis.

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