Our Corporeal 'Gift'

The excerpt below is from, The Hygienic System, by Herbert M. Shelton, M.D. published in 1939. So much to learn.

The human body is better perceived as an intelligent, self-aware and dynamically adjusting, bio-electric, holistic *system* than as a “machine”. Beyond that it is consciously responsive to *You*, the Indweller.

While we depend on the body to serve us during our “stay” on Earth, it depends on us to provide it with a sufficient and appropriate stream of elements and factors that help it to maintain and sustain optimal function, or restore it as needed.

This, we are failing to do as a society, not by lack of intelligence, but of integrity of a systemic way of thinking that has put perpetuation and growth of income above the preservation and restoration of health.

Notice the role that oxygen plays in the capacity of a body’s healing process under acute invasions of contaminants, thus the greater importance that a sufficient supply be in the blood. The same processes occur when the invasions are not acute, but constant, which provide a steady drain on oxygen resources as well as water.

These biological and metabolic facts point out the error in thinking that pervades standardized medical orthodoxy, which leads to “advice” to wear masks (further inhibiting oxygen respiration) and obsessive cleaning actions (leading to increased chemical exposure via breathing) and continued failure to give the body what it needs. These actions also deny the Being something even more important; loving and joyful interactions with other Beings that build courage, compassion, conscience, and creativity. What we are seeing predominantly acted out and *modeled* in its stead are antagonism, competition, disease, destruction and factionalism.

These are far more “dangerous” than the virus they want you to be-LIE-ve that you should fear worse than death itself. As you learn how your amazing body works unfailingly on *Your* behalf throughout your earthly stay, you May start wanting to discover, “what else should I need to *know*?”

Medical advice that ignores these basic metabolic principles is corrupt.