Timeless Truths

I am reading The Hygienic System, by Herbert M. Shelton, M.D., a 500+ page treatise on health and biophysics that was published in 1939. I first learned of this title while reading The Poisoned Needle, by Eleanor McBean.

I have posted many excerpts on my Facebook timeline, so please forgive this rather abrupt introduction.

The very first sentence in the above excerpt invalidates the entire pretext behind the practice of vaccinations; i.e., the prophylactic infusion of foreign material into a natural ecosystem in order to “fight” or otherwise “prevent” a not-presently existing condition.

No consideration is ever given to what metabolic changes (i.e., damage) said foreign material is actually *causing*.

The beneficent and capable purpose of the body’s response to the Trojan Horse intrusions should be noted. Then imagine what life would be like if such intrusions no longer existed.

Not only do you have the inviolable power to image, you ARE the Power that can make this idea GO SPIRAL.

The Body is Adept

When I was a kid, tonsils were routinely surgically removed when, in the doctor’s opinion (according to training), they had become “bad”. I was actually scheduled for surgery to have my tonsils removed as a child. The decision to cancel that procedure has likely contributed to why I am still here, and in relatively decent functionality, today.

Being better informed about our physiological, psychological and spiritual nature (independent of any religious “filtering”), should be part of every child’s basic education. In addition to being dumbed down, our society is deliberately being *dimmed* down. The more fearful one is, the dimmer.

Truth lovingly searched for, found, held onto, and embodied, restores one’s brilliance. Truly helps one to see deeper into, and burn away the shadows like the morning sun evaporates the fog.