When Truth is Not Our 'Rudder'


I get that some people think that the “danger” of COVID-19 is so great that the measures taken by the NZ PM (Prime Minister) are warranted. Or maybe, they simply think that she's the PM, so end of story.

However, “the coercive measures” that she used to threaten people weren't (and aren't) supported by facts. Indeed, they have been supported by massive manipulation and outright fraud.

The PM (or anyone entrusted to “govern”) *isn't* empowered to encroach on freedom for reasons that are not substantiated by *unbiased* scientific scrutiny and confirmation.

The second part of this video shows why the attitude assumed, and follow-on actions by the PM in the first part, is wrong.

“Leaders” aren't infallible. They aren't *all-knowing*. They can get just as intoxicated by the positions entrusted to them by their constituents as anyone. True leaders will be guided by independent facts, as they transcend “party” affiliations.

This isn't being done.

We have few leaders today, and they are the last ones to be expected to see their addiction, or seek sobriety. They are the ones most blind to their indiscretions and tyranny.

They will, nonetheless, have their own moments of reckoning.

After *sanity* does return, assuming that it does, the “sanitizing” that will be in order will be to acknowledge the *grave disservice* that has been perpetuated upon the People of the World, and on the minds of everyone who was led to believe that their natural immune systems weren't capable of fending off this “picoscopic” agent without vaccines.

I know that some aren't ready to admit this even now, but I'm putting it out nonetheless.

Part of this acknowledgment will be a MORATORIUM on vaccinations. It is the only idea that is *not* being discussed by people concerned about the steady rise in chronic and degenerative diseases. It is very clear that the ingredients that are in vaccines are of NO metabolic or nutritional value to health. So what other effect could they have?

They shouldn't be given to anyone, especially children. This has been a practice for over 200 years; very profitable one at that, but at what real cost?

Children should *not* be pushed into *thinking* that they need to take external, artificial measures to “protect” their health. This is worse than telling them stories about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. It's worse because the people pushing these measures actually *think* they're necessary.

Is it okay to progressively administer poisons to another just to keep receiving a paycheck?

Children (and adults) should be fed foods that nourish (which is increasingly rare these days, especially in schools). They should also be fed *experiences* that exercise, nourish, and *mature* their minds and emotions.

The latter is NOT being done.

The only way to mature emotionally and mentally is through social discourse... to discover a wider spectrum of perspectives and find that which is *right* for the individual *and* the Collective. The greater the level of joy, love, and truth that is incorporated into one's methods, the better the experience will be for the greatest number.

Joy can't be faked. Love can't be manufactured, and truth cannot be bought.

With Truth comes the humility to *know* that we don't know it all, and are willing to listen to others. It doesn't mean that the others know any more than we do, but we're always listening, and willing to. By so doing, we see where our knowledge is relative to others, and have the option to embrace new knowledge that could improve and enhance our life.

Truth... well, we're seeing how far afield our experiences will take us, if we deem it okay to be “led” by doctrine that is not founded in Truth.