Dearest Internet,

Perhaps a form more like a letter would suit these posts better. I'm still not sure. I'm still finding my feet. It feels like I haven't written properly in years. I should probably stop thinking and just let whatever comes come.

It's my birthday on Friday. Again. Last year I didn't really do anything. This time I'm organising karaoke on Saturday night at the Brunno again, like I did for my big four oh a few years ago, like we used to do almost every night when we used to live in New Farm. I've been inviting a few people. I wonder who will show up. It should be a good night anyway.

So, that's Monday down. Three more days to go. The big project is actually coming along. We're making strides. Slowly but surely.

And my new computer monitor arrived. An early birthday present from Amy. It's big and super crisp and I like it. I might play some DOOM Eternal on it right now actually, while Amy attempt to get Vada to sleep.

Until next time,