Connect the dots


You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.

“Connecting the dots” was the main spirit in the speech that got me a second place in the speaking contest at FMT. And that's also the reason that explains for my doing those time-consuming and seemingly unrelated things haha.

By connecting the dots, I mean I have never stopped trying to reconnect the skills and resources I have gained. Somethimes I do it intentionally, sometimes it's really life that told me to. I couldn't believe one day I'd actually help my cousin with her florist with skills learned from high school's vocational training. At that time I only regarded it as the compulsory credits and it's gonna be totally useless. Nor did I believe Chinese speaking skills would be much beneficial for me when in Korea. I got to know like half of the dormitory's exchange students because they are Chinese. It's always good to get to know with Chinese students for free ebooks and stuff like that hahah.

“You'll never learn anything from college” is a lie or a piece of misleading advice. The fact is that you do, if you want. Maybe I was lucky to randomly select a major that turned out to be quite helpful. Or maybe I was able to find a way to connect the dots I have. For example, I learned and developed a lot about project management skills in reality from the background I had.

When I'm typing this, I'm still learning how to use markdown and a bit of HTML and actually have no idea how they are gonna help in the future except creating some old-fashioned effects on this blog. However, I'd never stop learning.

-Phuong 🐯