

Life is what you see through the loops.


Loops are what I love the most about doing calligraphy. You go on and on to create different loops. And what makes those loops beautiful is how it is connected with each other. You will usually go back to a stroke after 2 or 3 loops. At that point of intercept, you'll however find your letters much much more sophisticated now.


I am recently welcoming a new interest: understanding everything from the view of Math. Yep, you are not reading wrong. In one of our lectures for the unit Real World Analytics, we got to learn about the harmonic mean. It is usually used to calculate individual efficiency. When I talk about these things, I myself still don't even understand the whole idea. But one thing popped up in my mind just the second when I read the problem, it's actually an elementary school math problems. It was hard back then with diagrams for a 4th grader, and it is hard now with lots of functions. However, I saw something cool here, the loop of learning. As complex as what you are facing, it can actually start from simple problems. Another story coming from Foundation skills of data analytics. I was so confused with the definition of data variables – discrete and continuous. That's when I realized, they are actually the difference of countable and uncountable nouns. Everything then just came out like a light, so that's you English works?

And what's been happening recently

The trip to Singapore and Malaysia this year was such a memorable thing, probably the most highlighted memory so far this year, and it's way more magical than me being here. Nine years ago (why nine eh?), I could only blame my bad luck to have the high school entrance test on the same day as my (supposed to be) first trip abroad. Nine years later, I'm as old as my sister when she went to Singapore and Malaysia, and Covid made Singapore the only country possible to travel at that point of time (April). (Pretty sure we'd never to go SG if it hadn't been for Covid). Then again, because of being late for the covid test, we couldn't board to the flight back to Hanoi, so we spent another day in Melaka before flying back from KL. Life's amazing right? It delivers us so far away from our original plan yet finds it way to bring us back, just nine years later.

That's probably the reason why I always believe in the loops.

-Phuong 🐯