On happiness


Updated as of December 24, Covid-19 era 1.


I'm kind of someone who always feels nostalgic thinking about past events, no matter how gloomy that past could be. That's why, even if it's a really bad day with me being and acting stupid, I will still ask myself: “Will I miss this day someday?” However, recently, I started to think, “Why do I have to wait until the present has become the past to love it?” And then, I guess, it's when I learned how to be truly happy.

Two years ago, I wrote that 我真的是个大笨蛋嘛! Now, I wanna tell that girl that 傻也没关系呀~


Today's talk with my sister looks like this:

Me: whoaw the moment when you have your friends tell you about your sister's updates :))))

Her: ??

Me: bon no bao chi viet ve anh Randy?

Her: Ờ chuẩn Her: Có một bài mới đây Her: (sending the link)

Me: wow Me: thats cute Me: and thats the same belief I have too

Her: Hehe

Me: like sometimes my whole decisions will be driven by just a random saying

Her: One day you’ll find someone who says kind things to you and you’ll realize your sister is not the only kind person in this world Her: Haha

Me: yeah i know more than one person who say kind things to me :)) Me: I'm gonna start a new project called Make Tooc's Day

Her: Our dad? Lol

Me: to write about kindness Me: yeah sometimes Me: when he says he'll sacrifice everything for our learning

Her: No wonder his daughters are big learners Her: Now I feel learning is like my super power Her: 💪

Me: Me: yeah when we were kids, people were like, học nhiều để làm gì Me: I did wonder why we have to learn too Me: but now I know it's a need, like when you feed (your) stomach, you'll need to feed your brain too

I do believe that learning can be categorized as a physiological need for me, which is the most basic needs apart from eating and sleeping. I'd be a walking zombie if I couldn't learn.


And finally, this is worth quoting as well, because blockquoting is today's lesson, and more importantly, because it somehow defines happiness!

(...) That 2020 still had a lot of reasons to smile. (...) Even if there were some bumpy parts along the ride, it was, like any other year, a year with us living our lives to the fullest as we always will! :D — KSJ

-Phuong 🐯