Online friends are real friends


This blog post is on a friend who I've known for almost ten years. We've been writing mails to each other since we were not even teenagers, when I was dreaming to be a politician and he was dreaming to be a Math professor. Then we lost contact for three years and got reconnected just earlier this year. Our friendship is maintained through mails and we never actually 'talked'. It doesn't mean we don't share everything with each other though. Like I'd tell him about my small business and he'd tell me about his tiny goofies. Being his friend is one of the most blessing things in my life, so I think I gotta write about what I've learned after being a friend of his.

I remember writing in my journal that I'd never write about him again unless he wrote me back hahah. I'm happy that today I can write about this special friendship xD

Tomorrow he'll be enrolling in the military which he told me he was nothing but unsure about his post :))) I do hope that everything will turn out to be okay and I will try my best to be supportive in a more thoughtful way!^^

-Phuong 🐯