Sibling Sibling ✨✨✨



I tell the whole world that I have a sister. So today, leaving aside all those deadlines, I'll be spending some minutes to write about her. I guess it's enough to prove how she's more important than anything else XD

The first thing I remember about my sis is her wearing a striped blue shirt with Pokemon on it I guess? [*] I think at that time she was about 13 and I was 4? I remember lying on the couch watching Sakura the Cardcaptor, Meteor garden, Shrek, and most importantly Westlife MVs with her. Hmmm sometimes she would ask me some questions, which I'd have to answer with a yes, which would always end up with “are you crazy?” I remembered hating my sister a lot at that time:D

When she was not teasing me, I think she's a good sister too. She taught me English, borrowed Ninja loan thi (a manga that I don't know its English name lol) for me, sometimes cooked for me, took me from school when Mom's busy, bought me some cute stickers that I still keep some now.

This paragraph is about how she turned me into someone without a (real) childhood. The first book that totally blew my mind is a comic book on the life of Einstein that she bought for me because they just didn't let us read books in the bookstore XDDD I grew up with books about famous people and with a strong belief that I could do something biiiiig and meaningful, and helpful someday. I still (lowkey) keep that belief now.

My sister who knew hardly anything about natural science and history taught me a lot. Maybe she was born to be a leader and I was born to be a follower, which made us a perfect duo. And I'm really happy to be following what she's taught me that I would listen to her advice most of the time. Anyway, I'll have someone to blame right? XD

Finally, I think our names are interesting to mention. First, there's 'uong' (stubbornness) in both of our names. Secondly, there's 'huong' in 'phuong'. And that'll be the best way to illustrate our sisterhood I guess XD.

Sis Huong's comment:

Btw the blue shirt is one that was given to me by bà Vân after her trip to mien Nam, one of my fav shirts back then. I wore it so often that it started molding on the back, but mom said it’s ok, keep wearing it lol

Mẹ: Hồi mẹ bằng tuổi con bé là có con lớn mà bằng tuổi con lớn là có con bé rồi đấy. Con bé vào lúc 24 tuổi và con lớn vào lúc 33 tuổi: Imgur

-Phuong 🐯