Things I'm happy I did when in middle school


Sometimes there are a few things that make me feel proud that I did, apart from those stoopid messes I created XD

Started writing

This idea started when I was at my sister's dorm watching One litre of tears and I started to worry about the fact that I could disappear someday. That's why I started to keep my journals organized. Before that I had been writing some English paragraphs once in a while to practice my English. But it was not until that summer that I had a stronger desire to actually write about myself. Now writing has become my therapy. I write with both my pens and my keyboard, and I love both.

Started a penpalship

I started looking for a pen pal with a reason that couldn't be more childish: I had read so many readings about pen pals in my English textbooks and started to think, “Hey, it might be good that I have a pen pal to exchange ideas and THINGS too.” So yeah, I told my sister to help me register an account and that's how she found This was where I got to know Emma, Cherry, Bea, Camaren, Melina, Sejoon, and later Thi Thanh and Beverley. Even though I have lost so many contacts, I'm so happy that I've had a chance to talk to them, to open my eyes about this world, and to exchange ideas so that I don't feel I'm someone weird.

Started a small business

The first time I remember selling something was a 5,000 VND deal for my English book xD Then with the little stuff that my sister bought me from Hanoi, I was able to make some profit and buy some snacks and other little stationery for me. Then I switched to get supply from Taobao as my cousin went back to Vietnam. It was when basically no one knows about Taobao (2011 or 2012 I guess), so I could set a very high price for very low cost :)))) This is my first business ever and it taught me how difficult and easy it is to make money at the same time. It also gave me a sense of economics, though kinda plague :D

Started learning Chinese

Again it was when I was in 7th grade, I got determined to study Chinese because I saw some beautiful pictures and because my sister told me it's super easy. Later on I think I was lucky enough to start learning a third language when I was younger, as it was merely an interest, not a major. I don't dismiss the importance of school, but when it comes to a major, a language isn't as beautiful as it is.

Read the book that everyone knows I did

Hmmmmm even though I was totally brainwashed by her stories, I agree that it helped to build my goals. Until now I'm still doubting somehow, but I know for sure that my life is supposed to keep exploring and learning.

-Phuong 🐯