Dispatches from Planet 9

Only Rumored To Exist

There's a ninth planet theorized to be out beyond the reaches of the known solar system. The orbits of distant rocky objects are too consistently weird for something not to be out there. Planet Nine has to be bigger than Earth: a rocky, super-Earth. And on an extreme orbit.

It is almost certainly too dim to be observed. But it can be felt. And measured. An it-shaped hole in the universe is carved. We just need to know where to look.

40 billion light years from the sun. Okay, well sure, but that's a little broad.

Planet 9 might even be a black hole. A niche, tiny kind called a primordial black hole. These primordial black holes form when extra-dense pockets of existence collapses in on itself.

Looking for a black hole sounds even harder than looking for a planet. And much like the dog chasing the car, what do you do once you've found one?

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