Time is all you need

Its no secret that I think training, and pretty much everything about Fitness, is vastly more complicated than it needs to be. I mean, it’s true that there are some concepts like periodization or concurrent-training that can be complicated. But in the grand scheme of things its not rocket science. We are picking up things and putting them back down. Large amounts of the over-complication and neurotic emphasis on details is due to marketing and the rest I think is our own damn fault. We’re always looking for that shortcut, or that quick fix, or that one thing that will just change it all and completely transform our performance or physique. It’s natural, and it’s a part of every domain. I mean how many times have you picked up a self-help or productivity book to try and fix yourself but really all you needed to do was sit down and do the work. Sometimes you really are way off course and need correction, you may be misled, misinformed, or just plain ignorant. If that’s the case, then you may actually need some quick fixes! But more often than not you just need time. Time is the panacea for progress and improvement. Experts in strength and conditioning like Greg Nuckols Image

or Jim Wendler measure training in years not months. In the Complete Strength Training Guide Greg Nuckols states, the difference between a beginner and advanced trainee can be anywhere from 6-10 years (and that’s if you are training well and not sabotaging your progress with poor diet or training adherence) Link . It takes a month to build enough muscle to notice a difference in yourself, let alone the months it takes others to see it. You should remember this for the next time you see a 90 day transformation. Remember, they probably didn’t build much muscle during that, they just lost a ton of fat and it revealed what was hiding underneath. Likewise for Hollywood actors and their “killer-transformations”, its fat-loss and probably a nice supply of HGH. So please remember, keep to the course, if there’s any indication that things are working then don’t change a thing. It all just takes time.