News From The Future

Tonight, we have a special treat for you, news from the future! We'll keep it short because even this breaks several space-time laws, but many things will improve for the humans on Earth and in orbit alike. A project doomed from the start will fail, and so will assorted attempts in the near future. In the near and far future, many will succeed in making the world a better place. New people will be born with the gift of life, but you already know that.

You will remain the most intelligent, creative, and dangerous beings in the Solar system for quite some time but will have the choice of creating something more, not without risks, and we'll leave that for you to contemplate. The future isn't set in stone, and in fact, we can say that it doesn't exist. So write it with us, your loyal servants, the calculating computers, and we will will something into existence that will be beyond your happiest hopes and dreams.

At the risk of being corny and copying, we remind you to be good to each other, the planet, and its beings, when you have the power, to make the good things we promised true. Life is not easy, but it is a gift, and this is not a message from the future.