#3 – A walk in Mechelen

Today we went for a walk with our both kids, between 4 months and 23 months. The little one could residue on his mom during the whole period, with some moments of full awareness besides this he enjoyed the free air to take a nap.

The big one was 80% of the road on his mule and servant aka me. We did buy a kids bag 2 years ago and we could already use it few times – Deuter Kids comfort. Its a relatively expensive investment and we did think about it a lot before putting around 300 euros in. We do not regret it at all and can really recommend it to parents who would like to hike as they did before kids and also enjoy the atmosphere.

We walked for around 5 km around few little lakes in Mechelen, Belgium. As the terrain is not suited for buggies, this was a really good opportunity to use it again. Besides this we could really enjoy the nature – our big one starts talking and he saw few cow and other small animals which he always could name, it is such a great experience if you see how they start abstract thinking for what they see in a book and how it looks like in reality.

Back in the days before kids I would call this a bit boring experience, as its not long (5km) either its a unique location (like 2km from the city) but now I appreciate the simple things and just live in this moment without any expectations and enjoying it.

It was a good day, looking forward to the next one