
The Weird Tale of the Lion and the Grizzly Bear

[Warning!] fable, weird as f, nonsense. I actually don't know why the heck I wrote this but hope you enjoy it. ( this is like elementary school storytelling material lol) -

Once upon a time, in the wide land of savanna, there was a group of lions, living their life peacefully. Like other and common lions do on their daily basis, the males hunt for food, meanwhile, the females take care of their cubs. Some of the strong and intelligent females participated in every food hunt.

One of their young males, named Mordred was sleeping in his favorite place, near the biggest tree of their land. He snuggled on the grass. He's quite popular because of his laziness. He could spend most of his time just laying down on the grass. Even the pride leader sometimes scolds him. Besides sleeping, he only wakes up to take a walk and eat their food.

In the middle of his peaceful time, a big paw suddenly slapped on his face, he woke up in shock and gritted his teeth, angry. He stared up and realized that it's the pride leader.

'Oh, shit'

He got up and bowed, “Your majesty”

“You must join us for this week's food hunt and patrol, or I'll kick you out from this pride.”

He silently sighed and nods, “Yes, your majesty, I will join this week's hunt”

The leader only answered “Good” then turned around, walked back to his place should be. Mordred once again sighed in disappointment. He had to let his sleep time for the food hunt this time. And probably will continue to get less time of sleep.

Well, he guessed it's much better than being kicked out of their pride, at least.

Sun finally went down on the west, the sky became dark and the males were getting ready for a food hunt, and so did Mordred. They must get good quality and fresh prey this time. Hope it won't be turned out like a few weeks ago, they only got some deer carcasses and they ended up being eaten by some hyenas.

It was really unpleasing, they only ate some of the small-sized prey for that week, the other females looked so pissed and disappointed, the pride members even a bit starved for a week until the next hunt.

They finally started tonight's food hunt. They walked with some distance against other lions together, looking for their prey. Mordred did that too, even though he didn't seem excited.

He was looking around until a shadow between the high grass. He slowly sneaked closer then realized that he has never seen that animal before. The whole body covered with fur, it seemed like it's a young male too.

He didn't seem like their usual prey, he knew he's not even a prey, he's a predator too, he just knew it.

“Psst” he whispered a bit loud. And he caught his attention.

“Who are you? I've never seen you around our pride. Are you not from here?”

He shook his head lightly, and guess Mordred found it cute.

“No... I don't know. I'm a grizzly bear, my name is Hayes anyway. I was playing tag with my siblings but I ended up here. And you?”

“I'm Mordred, I'm a lion and I'm here for food hunting. Are you from the nearby forest? Do you want me to show you the way?” he offered.

“Is that okay? You're hunting with your pride...,” Hayes answered.

Mordred giggled and put his front paw on the bear's shoulder. “That's fine I could deal with my pride members. Come on I'll show you.”

They finally went to the forest, they walked slowly as they had some good times, had some little conversation and laughs. They've never seen each other before but it feels fun!

“So, I'll leave you here then, Hayes. You're such a funny bear, let's meet again sometime?” He nervously asked him to meet him again.

Hayes only laughed and nodded his head. “Sure, i'd like to. See you tomorrow then? At noon, in here if you don't mind.”

“Okay then, see you tomorrow, Hayes.”

Mordred then happily walked back to the high grass, his pride. Some lions asked him where did he go but he only answered with “secret”, he got scolded too by the pride leader but thank God, he didn't really kick him out from the pride.

On the next day, they met again, they had really good times together, sometimes they complimented each other features, and blushed right after that.

They met again several times, every day. He changed him from a lazyass young lion to a diligent lion. He even got up early just to meet the cute grizzly bear.

One day, at the place they usually met, Mordred didn't come, Hayes feels so sad and disappointed. He had waited 2 hours ago but there was no sign of his appearance. He finally gave up and turned his body around, he's about to walk back to the forest until he heard a sound close to his back, it sounded like someone dropped something. He turned around his head and saw Mordred, just dropped an antelope, a big one.

“I thought you won't come....”

Mordred showed his little smiles, “I'm sorry I'm late, it took a pretty long time to catch this antelope. I have something to say to you... do you, perhaps want to... date me?” His paw pushed the dead antelope closer to the bear. “It's a gift for you. I mean... i know you haven't eat antelope before but I guarantee it tastes wonderful.”

The lion's sudden confession made the bear shocked, he didn't expect the lion would like him too. He silent for a moment, left the lion's heart thumping nervously.

“Can you give me some moment? If the antelope taste really great, I'll date you.”

The lion smiled confidently and nodded. “Deal, enjoy your meal then.”

The bear leaned his head down and took a big bite of the fresh antelope. It tastes great! He looked up at the lion who started to gulp nervously, waiting for the bear's answer.

He decided to tease the lion a bit. He didn't show any pleased expression and keep his poker face. He gulped down the food and stared at him. “It tastes great. Let's date, and let's eat this together, Mordred.”

The mordred smiled really wide and run towards the bear, he nuzzled on the bear's body, sign of his happiness.

“Thanks Hayes, thanks for accepting me.”

And they lived happily ever after, The End

LOLLLL THIS IS SO WEIRD AND CRINGEY. are you made it till here baby, if yes, I'm amazed.