
Constructing a good dissertation a practical guide to finishing a Master s MBA or PhD on schedule

 <h1>Constructing a good dissertation : a practical guide to finishing a Master's, MBA or PhD on schedule</h1> <p>Please choose whether or not you want other users to be able to see on your profile that this library is a favorite of yours.</p> <h2>Find <a href="https://politicalessay.com/">https://politicalessay.com</a> in the library</h2> <p>Finding libraries that hold this item.</p> <h2>Details</h2> <h3>Abstract:</h3> <h2>Reviews</h2> <h2>Similar Items</h2> <h3>Related Subjects: (10)</h3> <h3>User lists with this item (3)</h3> <ul> <li>UKZNPMBBooks-2018Jul-TN (4 items)</li> </ul> <p><b>You may have already requested this item. Please select Ok if you would like to proceed with this request anyway.</b></p> <h2>Linked Data</h2> <h3>Primary Entity</h3> <p># Constructing a good dissertation : a practical guide to finishing a Master's, MBA or PhD on schedule a schema:CreativeWork, schema:Book ; library:oclcnum " 70875130 " ; library:placeOfPublication ; schema:about ; # Vetenskapligt skrivande schema:about ; # Dissertations, Academic--South Africa--Authorship schema:about ; # Research--South Africa--Methodology schema:about ; # Research--Methodology schema:about ; # Doktorsavhandlingar schema:about ; schema:about ; # Academic writing schema:about ; # Academic writing schema:about ; # Dissertations, Academic--Authorship schema:about ; # Forskningsmetodik schema:about ; # South Africa. schema:alternateName " Practical guide to finishing a Master's, MBA or PhD on schedule " ; schema:author ; # Erik Hofstee schema:bookFormat bgn:PrintBook ; schema:copyrightYear " 2006 " ; schema:datePublished " 2006 " ; schema:description " Constructing a Good Dissertation is a practical guide to conceptualising, researching, writing and passing an honours, master's or doctoral dissertation. Its goal is straightforward: To demystify the process of completing a good dissertation. It takes a holistic approach, emphasising the skills needed, how to apply them, and the pitfalls to avoid. The logic underlying the dissertation is consistently emphasised: If one understands the why, the how becomes much easier. Many of the principles discussed apply to other academic work, so the book should also be of benefit to postgraduate students in their written assignments. "@en ; schema:description " FOUNDATIONS: The Postgraduate Game -- Project Management -- Topics -- Thesis Statements -- Dissertation Structures -- Index Cards -- Research Basics -- Dissertation Proposals -- Supervisors -- Dissertation Blues -- THE DISSERTATION: The Literature Review -- The Method -- The Body -- The Conclusion -- Appendices -- Formatting and Formalities -- The Dissertation Defense -- SUPPORTING ARTICLES: Academic Writing -- Editing -- What not to do -- The Cum Laude Pass -- Marking your dissertation -- POSTSCRIPTS: Bringing it back to basics -- Online Support. "@en ; schema:exampleOfWork ; schema:genre " Handbooks and manuals "@en ; schema:inLanguage " en " ; schema:name " Constructing a good dissertation : a practical guide to finishing a Master's, MBA or PhD on schedule "@en ; schema:productID " 70875130 " ; schema:workExample ; wdrs:describedby ; .</p> <h3>Related Entities</h3> <p># Dissertations, Academic--South Africa--Authorship a schema:Intangible ; schema:hasPart ; schema:name " Dissertations, Academic--South Africa--Authorship "@en ; .</p> <p># Vetenskapligt skrivande a schema:Intangible ; schema:name " Vetenskapligt skrivande "@en ; .</p>