On Leaving

Travis Hirschi created “Control Theory” or the idea that social control is directly affected by the strength of your social bonds. Put another way, whatever holds you to a platform, location, etc. controls you. ...

What are these social bonds?: – Attachment (Connection to others). Family, Friends, Co-workers, Community etc. – Commitment (Personal Investment in Conventional Behavior). Commitment can be to a social media platform or even a lifestyle. – Involvement (Participation in Socially Legitimate Activities). The time you spend with people, on a network, at work etc. – Belief (Agreement on Common Values in Society). Are you values the same as those in your society? Do you have different ones?

Robert Merton created “Strain Theory” or the idea that access to socially acceptable goals (college, a decent paying job, or home ownership etc.) plays a part in determining whether or not a person conforms to society.

Ask yourself: Do I have the same access to things as others in my society?

When you have a socially acceptable goal but no way to attain it due to inequality you have five options. ...

5 Adaptation Strategies: – Conformity (Don't deviate) This doesn't solve the problem but allows you to put it off for as long as possible. – Innovate (Pursue the goal through other means) Attempts to solve the problem through loop holes, creating something new, bending of the law, or breaking it. – Ritualism (Lower your standards) Wait for change to happen. – Retreatism Walk away from it and start fresh somewhere else. – Rebellion Activist for changing the current social structure and replacing it with a more fair system.

To be continued. ...