

In this current day and age technology has become quite advanced. Destinations that would require months to cover can be travelled in hours. People who are on the other side of the planet can communicate with us as if we were right in front of them. We are able to consume a lot of information quickly on a single device. Life has become quite convenient and efficient. But you know what... of course there will always be the misuse of such technologies as well. You see although we have the potential to be more connected, in reality we are more disconnected than ever.

People I might presume that we have become less human. When we sit at a restaurant, why are we chatting with someone on a phone when there is another REAL person sitting right in front of us. Why do people send money to a streamer on the internet just for her to mention their name? Why has dating become so simplistic to the point where people boost their self esteem by seeing how many swipes they can get on dating apps. Those technologies have actually made individuals detach some of their human traits and created a void in them.

Nature A lot of our time is spend indoors due to the nature of our work and how basic most urban homes are. We are glued to computer screens most of the time and sit on a chair that puts our body at a fixed 90 degrees angle. If we’re lucky we might see some sunlight if your office has any windows, while we won’t get any of the suns benefits sadly. When our work finishes, we commute back to our home and will end up sitting inside again in front of our phones most likely. Throughout the day we we will have drinks and prepared meals and may get some groceries on our way back in case we want to cook ourselves. But here is the issue, we become so accustomed to this lifestyle that we didn't consider that there might be an issue with it. Our bodies are not designed to sit all day. To the contrary. We are meant to mode most of the time and if we rest, we should try to get into different positions. The thing is our body is very adaptable and will therefore become more efficient in this sitting position...which can lead to several complications further in our lives. When we buy food in the supermarket do we ever read the label and ask ourselves where our food is coming from. Do we know what food our meat is fed and what chemicals are being sprayed in our fruits and vegetables? How many raw materials are needed for our food packaging and if the methods are sustainable and not destructive to our nature? In reality most people never consider that and just autopilot through life. Now I am not telling you to become an environmental activist and boycott anything that you see wrong. But it is important to be aware of how your daily actions will impact our environment, which will be the first step to connecting again with nature.

Work Does everyone get the work they truly want and are they able to be creative in it. That might not be true for a lot of people. They might be working those less fulfilling jobs to make a living such as flipping burgers at McDonalds or scanning items at Amazon. It might be a stepping stone in their career but they should strive for a job that they enjoy. As an employee they will usually work 8 hours per day, so it better be something that is worth consuming most of their day.

Self Lastly the most dangerous one is disconnecting with ourselves. When we are young, we naturally have the gut feeling to know if something is good or bad for us. Over time we lose this ability, or rather, we become desensitized. This could be due to our upbringing and the environment we live in. Rather than thinking for ourselves we let society decide how we should think and therefore adopt a certain ideology. Over time we just become shadows of other people's ideologies and are essentially parrot reiterating their opinions and adopting their values.
