
The Villainess (Korean name 악녀, Ak Nyeo) is a 2017 South Korean action film directed by Jung Byung-gil, starring Kim Ok-vin. The film had its world premiere at the 70th Cannes Film Festival in May 2017.

According to the director and writer, the movie was inspired by the European film La Femme Nikita (1990), which he had seen at the age of 10.

Opening scene

John Wick series director Chad Stahelski, Reeves, and others on the production drew inspiration from The Villainess.

Did they do a better job with a 20 fold budget?

Second to last scene, attacking a bus full with enemies.

This film contains much more action and amazing stunts, but I will spoil your popcorn if I upload them all.


Kim Ok-vin as Sook-hee / Chae Yeon-soo

Min Ye-ji as Young Sook-hee

Shin Ha-kyun as Lee Joong-sang

Sung Joon as Jung Hyun-soo

Kim Seo-hyung as Kwon-sook

Jo Eun-ji as Kim Sun

Lee Seung-joo as Choon-mo

Son Min-ji as Min-joo

Kim Yeon-woo as Eun-hye

In the opening scene, an unnamed highly skilled and trained assassin enters a hallway and kills numerous people with her gun and knives before being surrounded by cops and smiling a grim smile.

The assassin is shown in a room in an unnamed facility. She is drugged and is given plastic surgery. While recuperating, she has a flashback showing an unnamed man with a mustache trying to resuscitate her after a breath holding exercise. He is calling her Sook-hee.

The facility turns out to be part of South Korea's intelligence agency and is run by a woman named Kwon-sook. Kwon-sook tells Sook-hee that to give her a new start the agency has faked her death. Kwon-sook tells her they have given her a new identity and name, Chae Yeon-soo. Yeon-soo says she doesn't care and wants to die. Kwon-sook tells Yeon-soo she is pregnant. Kwon-sook offers her a deal: train with her as an agent, work as an agent, and she will have freedom after 10 years of service. Yeon-soo accepts and while in training, gives birth to a daughter, Eun-hye.

Still at the facility, Yeon-soo is having a procedure to remove a tattoo from her shoulder and while this is happening, she has a flashback to the unnamed man with a mustache giving her the shoulder tattoo when she was 20-year-old Sook-hee. Another flashback occurs, and we again see 20-year-old Sook-hee as a highly skilled and trained assassin trying to kill an unnamed man with yellow teeth. Sook-hee is captured and, while beating her, the unnamed man with yellow teeth tells her he did not kill her father. Eventually, the unnamed man with a mustache arrives, shoots the man with yellow teeth, and frees Sook-hee. The flashback continues, and we see Sook-hee as an 8-year-old being trained to load a pistol by the unnamed man with a mustache. The man tells the young Sook-hee to devote her life as an assassin to him.

Kwon-sook gives Yeon-soo a folder with the info for her first “assignment.” When she kills the target, she looks up to see a young girl on the stairs. This triggers a flashback to 7-year-old Sook-hee seeing her father killed. Sook-hee is hiding under a bed and doesn't get a look at the killer's face; she only hears him whistling an eerie tune. When a man comes back into the room, we are shown that this person is Jang-Chun, the unnamed man with yellow teeth. Jang-Chun was a friend of Sook-hee's father. Her father had stolen a diamond. Jang-Chun sells Sook-hee to a prostitution ring. Sook-hee is about to be raped by a prostitution client when the unnamed man with a mustache arrives and rescues her. We learn his name is Lee Joong-sang. And we learn how it came about that Joong-sang trained Sook-hee to be this killing machine and why she is so devoted to him.

Having completed her first assignment, Yeon-soo is released from the facility and will continue to work for the agency from her own apartment that she shares with her daughter Eun-hye. Unknown to Yeon-soo, Kwon-sook has placed a male agent in the apartment beside Yeon-soo's apartment. His name is Jung Hyun-soo, and he is to befriend Yeon-soo and keep tabs on her.

After a few meetings with each other, Yeon-soo asks Hyun-soo out. While noticing Hyun-soo's tie, Yeon-soo is reminded of a tie she gave to Joong-sang. It is revealed in flashbacks that Sook-hee and Joong-sang had gotten married. We learn in a flashback that the marriage was not the same for Joong-sang as it was for Sook-hee. We learn that Sook-hee says that she is willing to let go of her thirst for revenge if she can get married and live a normal life. Joong-sang sees that his trained assassin would no longer be of much use, so he sets up an act. He stages a wedding with her and pays people to attend the wedding and while on their honeymoon, he fakes saving a gang member called Choi Chun-Mo and stages his own death. When Sook-hee hears he is dead, she loses her mind and goes on a killing rampage and takes out the whole gang (who she thinks is behind Joong-sang's death). Joong-sang has eliminated his rivals and Joong-sang expects Sook-hee to be killed because of her rage and the sheer numbers of the gang. But they are no match. This is the opening scene of the movie.

While on a mission together with Min-ju, a classmate from the facility, Yeon-soo is caught stealing a phone, and in the ensuing fight, Min-ju is killed. The info from the phone has documents about Choi Chun-Mo and the agency is worried that since Yeon-soo knew him, she may be a double-agent. Hyun-soo comforts Yeon-soo and this brings them closer together.

Yeon-soo continues to live at the apartment and the agency has figured their next target for her. The agency wants to do an assassination from a wedding catering company, so it decides to arrange a wedding between Hyun-soo and Yeon-soo. In a callback to the earlier story, the agency pays people to attend the wedding, and Yeon-soo in her wedding gown aims a rifle out a window to her target, whom she sees through the rifle scope. The target is Joong-sang. She can't kill him, shocked that he's still alive.

Joong-sang backtracks the location from which the shots come and identifies Yeon-soo as Sook-hee from the wedding photos. He makes contact with Yeon-soo to verify that it is actually her. He tapes a conversation of the agency and sends it to Yeon-soo. The conversation reveals that Hyun-soo is actually an undercover agent. She turns on the agency.

The agency takes Yeon-soo into custody. In the meanwhile, Joong-sang's gang gets to Hyun-soo and Eun-hye. Hyun-soo tries to tell Joong-sang (on the phone) that Eun-hye is, in fact, Joong-sang's daughter hoping for all the killing to stop. Joong-sang doesn't care for the little girl and tells Hyun-soo to kill the kid in exchange for his own life. Hyun-soo tries to fight the gang but is knocked unconscious and left with the little girl and a bomb.

Joong-sang stages a “rescue” of Yeon-soo from the agency's custody. As she reaches her apartment, she watches as the bomb goes off and Hyun-soo and her daughter both die. She thinks it's the work of the agency. She goes to confront Kwon-sook, but Kwon-sook has news for her: Hyun-soo had found Jang-Chun, the unnamed man with yellow teeth, and got to know everything. This interview was recorded on surveillance tape. Kwon-sook plays the tape for Yeon-soo.

Yeon-soo is consumed with revenge. Yeon-soo tracks down Joong-sang and his gang to a parking garage. She kills all the gang members in the garage and confronts Joong-sang, who escapes to the street and meets his remaining gang members; they all speed off in a shuttle bus. Yeon-soo chases after them. She catches up to the bus, boards it, crashes the bus, and finally holds an axe over Joong-sang's head. He puts his head down and starts whistling the same eerie tune. She strikes Joong-sang in the head with the axe before walking out of the wreckage with the police surrounding her; she smiles a grim smile.

Source Wikipedia

The Witch: Part 1. The Subversion (Korean: 마녀, Manyeo) is a 2018 South Korean mystery action film written and directed by Park Hoon-jung.

This action film is full with amazing fight choreography scenes.

This is a movie you need to watch before you die if you like action and don't mind it is bloody.


Kim Da-mi as Ja-yoon

Jo Min-su as Dr. Baek

Choi Woo-shik as Nobleman

Park Hee-soon as Mr. Choi

Go Min-si as Do Myung-hee

Choi Jung-woo as Teacher Goo

Oh Mi-hee as Teacher Goo's wife

Daeun as Girl with long hair

Kim Byeong-ok as Police Officer Do

Lee Joo Won as CEO Sung

A young girl escapes from a mysterious laboratory after a violent incident that leaves many dead. Two members that run the lab, Dr. Baek and Mr. Choi, consider her dead. The girl collapses on a farm, where she is discovered by its owner, Mr Goo. Mr. Goo and his wife nurse the girl back to health and adopt her.

10 years later, the girl, named Ja-yoon, is living a normal life without any memory of her past. Her family is struggling financially, her mother is showing early signs of dementia, and Ja-yoon is suffering periodic bouts of migraines. In an effort to earn money, she decides to audition for a national singing contest that promises a large reward. She impresses the judges with her special talent – the ability to make the microphone levitate. This makes Dr. Baek and Mr Choi realize that Ja-yoon is the girl that escaped and send men to recapture her.

On her way to Seoul for the second round of the audition, Ja-yoon is approached by a man named Nobleman, who claims to know her. After the audition, she avoids an abduction by Dr. Baek's men. A group of armed men barge into her home and hold her family at gunpoint. Entering a trance, Ja-yoon dispatches the men with superhuman strength and speed. She is left shaken, not understanding her abilities. Nobelman demands that she accompany him or he will kill her parents. She agrees and is taken to the laboratory, where she is restrained.

Dr. Baek explains that she created Ja-yoon, genetically modifying her to have powers. Ja-yoon's headaches are a symptom of a disease that will kill her without proper treatment. She has her injected with a blue serum that will stop the disease for a month, leaving Ja-yoon dependent on new doses. After the injection, Ja-yoon's demeanor changes and she reveals the truth – she never lost her memory and has always known what she is. After visiting a doctor by herself, and being told that without a bone marrow transplant by a blood relative, she only has a few months left to live, she decided to track down Dr. Baek for the cure. Not knowing how to find her, she purposefully revealed her abilities during the audition to draw the attention of her creators.

With the serum restoring her to full power, Ja-yoon escapes her bonds and kills her guards. Holding Dr. Baek at gunpoint she demands to know where the serum is produced. She defeats Nobleman but Dr. Baek is killed during the chaos. Ja-yoon burns the building down and visits her parents, providing her father with some of the serum to give her mother to help slow the spread of her dementia. Her father alludes to always having known what Ja-yoon could do.

Three months later, Ja-yoon appears in the home of Dr. Baek's twin sister. She gives her more vials of the serum. A mysterious young woman, whose face is covered in scars, approaches Ja-yoon but Ja-yoon threatens to kill her if she touches her and the screen goes to black.

Source Wikipedia

Total Recall was directed by Paul Verhoeven in 1990 and the 2012 version was directed by Len Wiseman.

The story take place on earth with an actual mission to Mars, including mutants and aliens in the original 1990 release.

The story of the remake take place on earth, no mutants or aliens, but lots of robots.

Mars Governor, Vilos Cohaagen, discovers an alien artifact that could threaten his control over exportation of Martian resources as well as Mars residents, who work and spend money under his administration. Resistance forces seek to activate the artifact and give control of Mars back to the working people.

Following World War III, which leaves much of Earth uninhabitable, there are only two hospitable locations left on the planet.

The wealthy United Federation of Britain and the impoverished Colony. Colony inhabitants travel to the UFB daily for work, via a massive transit vehicle, “The Fall.” Terrorist acts by alleged resistance fighters threaten a tenuous peace between the two nations, as the UFB considers military action against The Colony in order to stamp out potential future threats.

Notice the difference of death and circumstances Douglas Quaid best friend Harry got killed.

Lori Quaid got shot in the head in the original and in the 2012 version she got shot in the body.

Michael Ironside played Richter in the 1990 version of Total Recall.

Both his arms are cut off vertically.

In the 2012 version there is no Richter, one arm of a robot is cut of horizontally.

Cohaagen suffocates to death in the original Total Recall movie in the 2012 remake he got killed in an explosion.

Three-breasted woman.

Mary (Played by Lycia Naff) is a mutant in the 1990 version.

The Seductive Woman (Played by Kaitlyn Leeb) is a woman that, presumably, augmented her body through futuristic plastic surgery.

Arnold Schwarzenegger played Douglas Quaid a construction worker who lives on earth.

In the remake Douglas Quaid is played by Colin Farrell but this time as a Factory worker in the UFB who lives in The Colony.

Vilos Cohaagen a corrupt Governor of Mars. (Ronny Cox)

Vilos Cohaagen a war veteran turned UFB Leader. (Bryan Cranston)

Lori Quaid, in secret a Cohaagen operative. (Sharon Stone)

Lori Quaid, in secret a United Federation of Britain 0perative. (Kate Beckinsale)

Kuato: A baby-sized, clairvoyant, mutant attached to the belly of his brother, George, (Marshall Bell) who seeks to free Mars from Cohaagen's control.

Matthias Lair (Bill Nighy) – Innocent, but branded by Cohaagen as a terrorist, Lair hides in the European wasteland while attempting to prevent Cohaagen's invasion of The Colony.

Eye in the sky in the sky is a 2007 Hong Kong action thriller movie staring

Simon Yam as Sergeant Wong Man-chin ('Dog Head')

Tony Leung Ka Fai as Chan Chong-shan ('Hollow Man')

Kate Tsui as Constable Ho Ka-po ('Piggy'/'Bobo')

Cold eyes is a 2013 South Korean remake of the Hong Kong movie starring

Sol Kyung-gu as Chief detective Hwang

Jung Woo-sung as James, leader of an international crime ring

Han Hyo-joo as rookie detective Ha Yoon-joo

The story begins with a group of organised burglars successfully robbing a jewelry store.

In the Korean remake they change it to robbing a bank.

Both versions is about a new recruit of a police force's Criminal Intelligence Bureau and the head of that intelligence bureau.

There are a lot similarities in both films, but the Korean remake also change the way people dies and how the main villain got killed in the end.

Some scenes are cut in the Koream remake in favour to add extra action scenes without drifting away from the original Hong Kong film.

Is this remake better than the original?

It depends on what you are looking for in a movie.

The best way to judge is to watch them yourself.

Eye in the sky 2007 Hong Kong 跟蹤 Gun Chung

Cold eyes 2013 South Korea 감시자들 Gamsijadeul

The man from nowhere is a 2010 South Korean action thriller film starring Won Bin and written and directed by Lee Jeong-beom. The film follows the story of a mysterious and shady man (Won Bin) who embarks on a bloody rampage when the only person who seems to understand him is kidnapped.

Rocky Handsome, an official Indian remake starring John Abraham, was released in 2016.

The man from nowhere

Korean : 아저씨, Ajeossi

Director: Lee Jeong-beom

Soundtrack album by Mad Soul Child, Mystery

Rocky handsome

Hindi : रॉकी हैंडसम, Rokee haindasam

Director: Nishikant Kamat

Soundtrack album by Sunny Bawra, Inder Bawra, Ankit Tiwari and Bombay Rockers