&̲&̲.̲ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ℋ𝑼𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑫, 𝑯𝑨𝑼𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑫 ㅤㅤㅤㅤ …

ʽ ✧ ᴺᴼᵀᴱ ‥ ㅤ mini writing prompt. cesare encounters a suriel in the woods. forgot to put isaak's payment but it's just him being unable to lie with [his] "eyes being a window to the soul", as they say. ig the suriel accepted that subtle gesture and amusing tries of intimidation as the payment. ʽ ✧ ᵀᴬᴳ ‥ ㅤ  #cesare #thecourts ʽ ✧ ᴬᴿᴱᴬ ‥ ㅤ SUMMER DAY COURT ― the western woods. ʽ ✧ ᵂᴬᴿᴺᴵᴺᴳ ‥ ㅤ mentions of violence.

written for my oc cesare in THE COURTS, 2022.


he supposes the novelty of acquiring the truth one specifically seeks is a very tempting offer.

so, it's not a surprise at all, that rather than running the grounds under the official orders in protecting the community from the suriel, the goal subtly changes under his interests. not that there is anything else that he needs an immediate response, but if he does cross upon the creature, he doubts there's harm in searching for answers that the elders won't provide ... truthfully, he knows it will take time on his own, but whatever works, isaak doesn't care.

〝 man, you're ugly. 〞

the naga inspects a suriel freshly caught within his trap, examining its features ―― weatherworn skin, bony fingers and hollowed eyes ―― while the nonchalant tone does not match the snarl of a bloodthirsty knight that he had been a minute ago.

〝 the rumors certainly don't do you justice. 〞

a shrilled laugh rips from the suriel; a feat considering that it is pinned under the naga's heavy serpentine tail. from the looks of it, there is no conclusion as to how it can entice the fey since the smell of death reeks from the creature. isaak can see how only the insane and desperate apples of the bunch will definitely get attracted to it, like moth to fire.

〝 nor do they give you credit for the piece of work that you are, cesare. 〞

oh? wasn't aware that your kind loves flattery. 〞 with interest dangerously piqued, extended fangs peek from a sinister grin produced as isaak looms over his prey. his tail wraps around the suriel, slithering and tightening ever so slowly by the second. the fact that his real name has been out, even in a whisper, begins to tick him off; nothing pleasant about the feeling of being brushed by a stranger. 〝 or were the 'truth' you speak that anyone would like to hear is also a talent of yours for show? 〞

〝 hah... you often act like it is not of your concern and nothing can ever faze you, but your eyes cannot lie, do they? 〞the suriel chokes, but nevertheless lays the fruit for the taking. 〝 give me a genuine truth from that deceitful tongue, and the truth you seek will be yours, child of the sea. 〞

a deep exhale taken, eyes sharpening at the suriel as if it can stab it more than he can suffocate it. his expression lightens, demeanor changing; a responsive action instead of pinpointing the bullshit that continues to run from its mouth. 〝 the ones responsible for my parents' death... where are they? 〞

feels like forever before the creature replies, still in its pondering, when it rasps with obvious amusement, 〝 which parent? 〞 and a hiss and preparation to lunge happens within split second,

you dare―― 〞

〝 you are currently on the right path. 〞 the voice comes from behind, and isaak swiftly turns in surprise that there has been nothing within his hold. 〝 but they are closer to you than they are to heaven, from where they are from. 〞

it is the naga's turn to freeze; tension visible from the muscles ready to slither towards the crafty bastard, and as he decided to give it a go, its final words ring inside his head rather than being carried by the wind as it suddenly vanishes from his sight.

〝 however, you ought to watch that temper; it will do you no good in the long run. 〞

the realization strikes afterward. there isn't any word of truth that left him, and yet it feels like it has been snatched from him.