
#ilsung #ivorycity

LOCATION: upper extremities. de mevius manor. chernoff estate. NOTES: a continuation of the tale β€œThe Deep End”. referencing vior's self para. TAGS: #ilsungselfpara #2kill

written for my oc park il-sung in IVORY CITY. 2022. CONTENT WARNINGοΉ• abuse, manipulation, homicide.


γ…€ γ…€ he'd lost count of moon cycles ever since his tail had been stolen, and he washed up on shore.

struck and beached.

stranded and caged.

where nobody could hear him scream.

only until when the shrills turned silent and hope begone into acceptance is he allowed to walk outside again.

accepting the taste of defeat in copper and iron flooding his mouth from the scratches within his throat, a set of twin blades are granted, to amount for the conditions supposedly agreed upon in exchange for his life. among others.

〝 semanticsγ€ž, his father remarks.

〝 theatricsγ€ž, ilsung spits, 〝 of yours never cease to amaze me.γ€ž

the elder lamia splits a proud grin while his prodigal son's knuckles flexed into tight, shaking fists, turning white. γ…€ γ…€ γ…€ γ…€ two fingers dip in to ease the firm grip of the necktie under his collar; not understanding how other creatures up top are able to contain their real forms in inconvenient molds. the raven-head is still not used to the idea of fabric clinging to his skin instead of getting caught up supposedly where his scales are placed before.

〝 what better practice it will be, if ilsung were to accompany his older brother, now that he's finally home? γ€ž ―― is his father's wonderful idea translating to an order: ensure that the heir survives, above all.

nevertheless, the second master of the house is nothing but a shadow; a ghost, about to enter the ranks of the ones whose blood laid the foundation of the chernoff estate. both enemies, traitors, and low life undeserving of the family's name.

a splash, a hand placing a head under, an act.

ilsung watches the performance from afar; his eyes indifferent towards concerned gestures and hushes about an accident in a fountain.

he watches as the party resumes. the daji ushered for a change, the celebrant offering good will in assistance.

he watches until the mistress calls for him to come, his older brother assists to place his arm around his shoulder, and isaac's hand squeezes him tight as a reminder:〝 do not stand outγ€ž.

and so, he did not. γ…€ γ…€ γ…€ γ…€ the moon has come divided and full every circulation since then.

soon, the amounts of engagement with selective few has increased; the careful craftsmanship of his father to orient the second master of the New World that he's expected to navigate and manage for his older brother... of course, the golden child.

the split lip is worth the snark, ilsung thinks, as his mother begrudgingly uses her clean handkerchief to wipe the blood off; her cold fingers lingering longer before they grip his chin forward.

enjoy and play nice, the lady of the chernoff household speaks sweetly. a fair warning, for she's not wrong; it can definitely cost him if he chooses to run amok on the de mevius' territory, one of his family's strong allies.

so, when ceruleans meet oblivion, with matching curiosity tinging the child's inquiries about the mystery surrounding a new playmate, ilsung responds just that.

〝 you don't expect me to believe that, γ€ž clever and cunning laced in innocent nudge in these words, which ilsung knows that the second son of the de mevius will not hold them back should eyes watching them play together leave the room.

a whisper then, when the younger boy ensures no one is listening, no one is watching when he dismissed the staff handling treats and drinks for teatime in this library. 〝 but i will, only if you answer me truthfully this time. γ€ž

〝 oh? γ€ž an eyebrow raises, and he lowers the book to entertain the other.

〝 why can't you visit me on your own? it's not like you have other things to do, is there? besides, why can your brother do it? why can our brothers play longer together, and we can't? γ€žthis time, his cousin leans forward with a pout. 〝 i want you to play only with me. always. γ€ž

ilsung only gazes back in contemplation, closing his book shut and placing it tidily on the coffee table. looking at the game laid out by the other, waiting for ilsung to take a piece and move.

so, this is what that woman meant all along.

the thought makes him chuckle, amusement rolling off with a low shaky sound that the glamour failed to hide. 〝 how remarkably childish of you, vior. to think that the young master of the de mevius household can be this selfish. ah, but there's nothing wrong with that; you have every right to be... and i don't. that's the difference. γ€ž

as intended, the last remark sends the younger lamia to think and pause for a short while, only opening his mouth for ilsung to place his finger on; a gesture of a hush.

〝 look away, young master de mevius, γ€ž a warning gift-wrapped with fondness in his eyes, despite the carefree tone he delivers. 〝 and don't ask questions to answers you are not and never be the intended recipient of. γ€ž

〝 and if i don't? if i tell you there's a way for the both of us to be free? γ€ž

that day, they made a promise.

for vior to be safe,

for ilsung to be around,

instead of having the chernoff walk out without achieving anything and purposefully ending his connection with another soul resounding his, an oath has been taken. γ…€ γ…€ γ…€ γ…€ 〝 look away, young master de mevius. γ€ž

his first and last warning comes in the form of unsheathed blades slashing throats, dicing ribcages of unfortunate servants who allowed their visitor to wander around the halls and eventually find the entrance to the white room.

the gates to hell itself.

the older lamia had been quick and efficient, leaving no second for the slaves to yell for help or mercy; their blood awash on the golden-haired boy's entire frame, rendering his suit ruined.

he stands behind their lost guest, head tilting to the side as forked tongue flickers. golden flecks shine in middle of grey optics, slitted, gazing towards the small opening of the white door.

〝 i've told you, you are not intended to see this, vior. γ€ž

golden hair, grey eyes.

isaac is bound to a medical bed in the room.

golden hair, grey eyes.

isaac has also made a mess in the corridors.

〝 now, where do we go from here? γ€ž