
#ilsung #ivorycity

LOCATION: [???] ― Upper Extremities TAGS: #ilsungselfpara #sentinel

written for my oc park il-sung in IVORY CITY. 2022. CONTENT WARNINGοΉ• homicide, decapitation, mutilation, cannibalism, anatomy jargon, odori ningyo.


a crackle.

the fire slowly eats the edges off a faded photo of two children with the attached memories with it burning away.

then, snap.

the tail and fins come off first from the sharp edge of the gyuto, followed by the sickening split of the trapezius and cervical spine from the occipital bone of the cranium.

betrayal in its eyes remain even after the head rolls off its body; and il-sung remembers clearly how fierce they were even before its death.

〝 such is the life of an odori ebi. γ€ž

before β€œisaac” emerges, β€œil-sung” tells her this story once.

how his first food on land are the last of these creatures taken from the Old World's oceans; the young shrimps torn away from their colonies only to end up intoxicated into sweet dreams before they are eaten alive by their breeders. the very first lesson that his father imparted in him about the nature of the New World ――

to eat or be eaten. that, this environment favors the best species to survive.

and he wished that for her; oh, how he really did.

if he could only tell her the relief he had when he heard her seated in the right place, for no one to touch her. if he could only tell her how she also placed a target on her back from the seething sight of his clan, for she seem to gladly take the position that is theirs intended. and, if he could only feel sorry for not staying the same child as he was back then, il-sung thought that would've been a lovelier option.

but, he is not sorry. he is not apologetic for consuming instead of being consumed. for that is what β€œisaac” wanted; and that is what β€œil-sung” learned to want after tasting his older brother's flesh in his mouth.

the taste of victory. power. survival.

he is not repentant of what he became so he'd live on, even if it meant a steep price to pay. sanity? morals? ethics? resources that no longer pose value that the currency cannot afford. what are they for, but flaws that will decide one's fate, one day?

〝 congratulations, miss kwon. it will be a pleasure to work with you, starting from today onwards. γ€ž

the words sound so foreign with his tongue. artificial, fabricated; a script sent out by the puppeteers behind his back.

if he could only communicate that his coldness is not of her fault, but of the result of an inevitable fallout entrenched from the beginning, when the generations before her crossed with his. a generational, familial war that they tried to overlook with a childish belief that their friendship from younger years will overcome this foolish notion, because that hadn't been their fight, and never will be.

and so ever since, the trench worsens over time. il-sung, with his then frigid temperament after his isolation. danbi, with her then deliberate rise after her leave.

it was only then years after their separation, when the chernoff heir realized that the evident distance had been there all along.

turns out their childhood friendship with each other really is doomed from the moment they met.

in the end, she is still a kwon.

〝 congratulations, miss kwon. it had been a pleasure to work with you for all the time i've been under your care, and for a long time, i've been wanting to return your good will. γ€ž

the words sound ironic to his tongue. metallic, salty; the genuineness reflecting whatever feeling is left for her from the depths of that cold heart.

with hands tuck safely within the pockets of his slacks, il-sung watches the last time she is allowed sobriety from the intoxicating influence he requested jung seojun to do for him. the last time she is able to scream in the way her eyes change their expressions: wide in shock, tears brimming, turning red in anger ―― but he really can't tell nor bring himself to care about what she's trying to say;

it wouldn't really make the chefs job easier if the main guest is untied by their courteous hospitality, nor it would make sense for him to grow sympathy for a freshly caught fish.

〝 and this is why, it will be an honor to have you for dinner. γ€ž

NOTES: drabble for The Chronicler.

The Ministry Representative for the Nereids, Danbi Kwon. Every citizen acknowledges what she has done with her family influence and power for the betterment of Ivory City, and so are the news of her disappearance following her sudden departure from her residence for weeks until present.

Investigations are still underway as the Raiders are reportedly onto the case urgently, with hopes that they may find leads in the statements given by anonymous tippers. Sources say that her disappearance likens to the missing case of the Kwon's eldest traced years back when leads to her whereabouts proved futile and her body was never found again: an event which is most likely considered to be potentially connected with the vanishing of the Kwon's second daughter.

It should also come to light that the news of Mr. Kwon's involvement in the disappearances of his two daughters over the years are currently being looked by the authorities, as evidences strongly suggest foul play in his filing of his children's missing cases and other information are reported not to link up. The Raiders have not confirmed anything yet, other than the fact that this vital lead can potentially open the eldest Kwon's case in search for the now missing Nereid Representative where The Ministry's interference is possibly considered.

However, the restlessness for a seat left attended in The Ministry for the Nereids has been growing, along with grievances and condolences that these citizens are holding for the lost Kwon. And with a heavy heart, the Chernoffs raise their hand in filling the position for the people.

The new Chernoff Head, Isaac Chernoff, currently leads The Chernov Group after the tragic accident of his family. He only began appearing recently in public after his last interview requesting that his privacy be respected, and it's been a long time since then when the Chernoffs decided to partake in any major community activities.

When asked about the decision, his response was, 〝 Even before she joined The Ministry, Miss Kwon and I have been close friends. We had been acquainted with each other ever since we were children; through our families belonging to the same circle. I've always looked after Danbi as if she were my own sister, and how my parents adored her so! Danbi was my sister from another mother, I'd tell them, and they couldn't agree more. γ€ž

〝 So this is why I thought to dedicate myself to her selfless cause in representing our people in The Ministry. I would like to continue her work while she is gone at the meantime, as she would've wanted, with the intentions of stepping down once she returns. Knowing Danbi well, she wouldn't even want to miss a day of work even when she's ill; that's how dedicated she is to serving Ivory City. γ€ž

As far as Mr. Chernoff's goals are into his approach, his approach is to begin working with existing initiatives and collaborations already in progress with the aims to be collaborative. 〝 Don't be surprised if you see me in the most random places, γ€ž Mr. Chernoff supplies. 〝 I think it's important to lend time in understanding people, and see what asset I have that I can help them with. Also, I like the black coffee at Ad Astra Brewery. γ€ž