#ilsung #nightworldkrp

set during 𝙸. π™Άπ™΄π™½π™΄πš‚π™Έπš‚ ― snippets on how sometimes, folklores are a reflection of reality, and legends are made as a warning.

written for my oc park il-sung in NIGHT WORLD KRP. 2022. a huge thanks to heung uh's mun for the info on historical backgrounds. CONTENT WARNINGοΉ• chernoffs' origin story. i literally have to research russian and korean world histories & myths, so historical revisionism is present only for fictional purposes present. not limited to violence, murder, manipulation.


β–“ β–“ β–“ β–“ β–“ β–“ β–’ β–’ β–’ β–’ β–’ β–’ β–’ β–’ β–‘ β–‘ β–‘ β–‘ π™³π™΄π™²πšπšˆπ™Ώπšƒπ™Έπ™½π™Ά... 𝙡𝙸𝙻𝙴 π™°π™²π™²π™΄πš‚πš‚π™΄π™³ ―――

❝ When the prince arrived at his capital, he directed that the idols should be overthrown and that some should be cut to pieces and others burned with fire.

β€œHe thus ordered that Perun should be bound to a horse's tail and dragged along Borichev to the river. He appointed twelve men to beat the idol with sticks, not because he thought the wood was sensitive, but to affront the demon who had deceived man in this guise, that he might receive chastisement at the hands of men.

β€œ[...] After they had thus dragged the idol along, they cast it into the Dnepr. But Vladimir had given this injunction: β€œIf it halts anywhere, then push it out from the bank, until it goes over the falls. Then let it loose.” His command was duly obeyed. When the men let the idol go, and it passed through the falls, the wind cast it out on the bank, which since that time has been called Perun's Shore, a name that it bears to this very day. β€œ

― Nestor the Chronicle, The Tale of By-Gone Years

in the beginning, there is only chaos and darkness.

then came an idea from the ancient patron, of family, ancestors and fate, of birthing two sides of an egg; rod and lada's children emerge.

svarog, the light and life. czernobog, its shadow and darkness.

earliest accounts believed to be traced from neolithic era suggest how the latter god have submitted to the temptations of the world after the creation of man, and thus, he planned to bring everything under his dominion. he turned into a black serpent, crawling out of the earth to spread his corruption among the living with the start of bloody conflicts. his newly garnered army fought their way into the heavenly palace on top of the world tree, but only to be stricken down and locked into a chest by svarog's celestial gods.

the first contract is drafted between light and dark, where czernobog's offspring in the hearts of corrupted men should be spared, but their father can never devour the world as a whole again.

however, it doesn't mean czernobog cannot try again. and again. and again.

witnessing how his first children planted the seeds of corruption in men's hearts, czernobog decides to oversee how treachery and treason befall the land he'd chosen for his sowing. blending with the shadows as a whisper to breaking oaths between countries, the serpent became a man of many names.

ever delightful of the carnage and destruction, his grey eyes never changed.

not until the fires chase the romanovs away from their palace, the rage of the people after their trail, when it became a perfect distraction for another Sin to slip through his plans.

a young woman, taking the remaining treasures in midst of roaring flames and broken china; her midnight-dipped hair framed her face, sharp expression cutting through the god's reverence. and when she attempted to strike his neck with a glass shard breaking her pale skin,

it was then czernobog muttered under his breath, β€œmine”.

. . .

oh, but love is a fickle thing.

a possession not meant to last.

the woman left moscow, stealing the last of what she thought a pinch of his wealth that her husband will never notice. just as when czernobog was reaching his goals for their――his――little empire, but the maiden's greed extended to sharing the wrath he possesses.

little did she know that as she boarded one of the ships returning to koryŏ, she did not only keep his fortune, but czernobog's heart.

and whenever an adolescent boy asked her to recall her stories of a land of milk and honey, his mother laughed bitterly as she held him close to her bosom.

” heed my words, love. nothing is there now, but snakes. ones who will eat you and i alive. β€œ

il-sung relished the last time he was almost fifteen.

redemption or damnation?

il-sung shouldn't have trusted a snake.

even if it came to allot him promises of sanctuary, only if he'd sell a soul, he shouldn't have taken the offer. but a boy of sixteen years is still a child, who is tired of running away from made-up monsters and living real nightmares in the form of exploded shelters and permanent scars on his psyche.

anywhere is better than here, he told himself while shaking the hand of the devil, who tells him that the wars will be over soon and his wish will be granted with it. everything will be for her.

redemption or damnation?

il-sung shouldn't have trusted other snakes.

a million meetings with sliver tongues and charming smiles later, it took il-sung a long time to realize that the soul he sold was not his own; it was the one grabbed from the cooling body in his hands.

midnight-dipped hair soaked with blood, slender neck broken in two.

he reached twenty-two later that year.

cursing czernobog with white magic, to run his shashka to the heart.

il-sung turned twenty-three with broken ribs and ripped off scales.

primal screaming was drawn from his throat, when czernobog returned the favor generously.

il-sung was twenty-five at the time when he thought his father tore his esophagus open.

( ...it was his stomach. )

black hair, blank eyes.

a reward came in the hand that thread through the strands lovingly, sickeningly gentle, when czernobog thought that his son finally deserved it.

” happy twenty-seventh, izey. β€œ

NOTES: brief summary of il-sung's timeline, so i won't forget! hopefully, they will have places in self paras and drabbles.

??? ― czernobog's birth at the creation of the universe. one of the earliest personifications of wrath, for il-sung's father was born a force without form so he chose an β€œavatar” to interact with the world: a giant black serpent (akin to norse myth's jorgamundr) or a half-man, half-serpent hybrid. he was about to be locked away for good if not for a deal.

8th – 17th century AD ― as slavic mythology risen between newly settled tribes in russia's earliest civilizations, czernobog slowly regains his power.

for a millennium, the wars with the khazar khazanate, the reign of prince oleg, and the struggles with the scandanavian kingdoms were aftereffects of his encroaching influence. the formation of russian empire around moscow under peter the great during the late 17th century is the start of his steady descend back to the world β€” through war and politics.

around 15th century, czernobog meets olivia on establishing old blood relations between uk and russia. they tried to conceive a child but wasn't successful until β€œisaac” is born around 17th century.

19th century AD ― known by many names and forms as of now, planting the idea of the soviet union leads to a war with belobog; whereas belobog influences the establishment of a provisionary government after ousting the last czar β€œnicholas ii”, czernobog sends the bolshevik to power so to make way for stalin. with the wars ongoing and transitions of power shifting when belobog intervened with his newly created light mages, β€œisaac” was a casualty. his health began to decline.

1922 ― czernobog meets jaehee, a koryo-saram, during the height of soviet union and seating stalin's rule.

1923 ― il-sung is born.

1937: PRE-WW2 ― jae-hee returns to korea, bringing a 14 year old il-sung with her.

1939 – 1945: WW2 ― il-sung lived through the war, but his mother did not. it was around this time that his father found him when he was 18 years old (1941). he is approx. 22 when the war ended, and his father finally collected his dues. brought him home, met isaac.

1945 – 1950: POST-WW2 ― POST-WW2. within five years, il-sung experienced his first β€œreset”.

1950 – 1953: KOREAN WAR ― at 27 years old, il-sung is sent to north korea for a mission connected with his father's plans for the soviets. he possibly meets heung uh at the time after a recent reset.

1986: CHERNOBYL DISASTER ― his father, now known as erik chernoff, establishes the Chernov Group after the Sin-made catastrophe. il-sung is approx. 63 years old in human years during this event.

1991: COLD WAR ENDS ― isaac died.