First one. Hijab and arabic culture

Read the first part of this article in our other blog. The differences between the Arabic and Afghan burqas: the niqab is usually black and only a face veil. The burqa is mostly light blue and covers the whole body. Usually the niqab leaves the eyes uncovered while the burqa has a net over them. 5) All Arab men wear long white robes and colored scarves. No, only men in the Persian Gulf wear white scarves and robes daily. A headscarf (ghatarin khaleej, kafieh in sham) is tied on the head with a black band (aghal). It is worn with a skull cap called a tagiye that holds the hair in place. A white robe called a thobe, dashdashe or draa' is the main dress of men in the Persian Gulf and is generally worn with a pair of loose pants called a sirwal, long or short. While the chafiyeh is also used in Palestine and Jordan, the dashdash remains a landmark in Persian Gulf men's fashion. Changing Perceptions of Arabic Dress One of the most interesting surveys ever conducted on Arabic dress in the region was conducted by the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research. This study shows how people's perception of decency and what to wear varies from one country to another in the Middle East. For example, many women in Lebanon do not cover their hair. Conversely, most women in Saudi Arabia wear the niqab. Arabic Dress by Country When it comes to Arabic dress, four main areas define fashion trends: North Africa, the Persian Gulf, Sudan, North African countries, walking down the streets of Rabat or Tunis, we see many men and women wearing Western clothing. are wearing How can we tell if they are Moroccan or Tunisian just by their clothes? It is relatively simple when we identify those clothes or scarves that are specific to that country. Morocco Many Moroccans still wear the Jholaba, a loose and comfortable hooded tunic with long sleeves. A part of the national heritage, Dilbala is made in bright colors for women and colors of the khaki spectrum. Moroccans may pair the tunic with traditional slippers called balgha, which are mostly yellow, but other colors are also used. Moroccan women's dress: kaftan: a dress similar to the dilaba but without a hat. It is usually worn at parties or weddings and not used in everyday life. Pandora Moroccan Men's Clothing: Most Pandora men wear a short-sleeved robe, much lighter than the dilbala described above. Tunisia Finding a traditional dress in Tunisia can be very challenging, especially in the cities. But a trip to Medina in Tunisia or attending a wedding can give you the opportunity to admire the beauty of Tunisian traditional clothes. Tunisian Women's Dress: Safsari: While rarely worn, there are actually some older women who still wear this long, white veil. If you want to see one, go to the old part of Tunis. Tunisian Men's Clothing: Chacha: It is a symbol of Tunisian traditions and older men still wear this flat red hat made of wool. Algeria Like Tunisia, Algeria has been heavily influenced by the West when it comes to Arabic dress. Therefore, it may be difficult to see teenagers wearing typical Algerian clothing. However, older men and women are more likely to wear these two casual outfits. Algerian women's clothing: Karakol: Algerian women love color and embroidery. This traditional embroidered jacket has made a significant comeback on the Algerian fashion scene and is now worn at notable occasions and weddings. Algerian men's clothing: pandora: typical of Algeria, but usually made of brown or white wool. Libya Young Libyans usually wear jeans and T-shirts. However, it is enough to leave the city and approach the rural areas inhabited by Berbers to see the original Libyan dress. Dress of Libyan women and men: Hayek – Almost forgotten in Algeria, this veil is still worn by some Libyan Berber women as well as Moroccans. It is a long piece of white cloth that covers one's entire body Holi – a white cloak that wraps around the body and is usually worn with a taqiyya.