Managing My Postpartum Body

TW: I know that this topic can trigger some people, so if you can't talk about body image, weight loss or issues pertaining to health & wellness, skip this post.

I kinda say it all in the video, so I'm not going to say much but know that this topic is hard for me to talk about, but I find it necessary. I know there are other women struggling with their body image, especially after baby, and we don't typically talk about it in a healthy way. It's either “bounce back” or on the other end of the spectrum “ignore it”. Neither of these are healthy mindsets and we need to start meeting in the middle. It's okay to want to pursue the body that you had before baby, or some version of it but it's not okay to beat yourself up in the process. I tread very lightly with this topic but also realize this is my own personal experience. If you disagree, that is totally fine. You have to do what is best in your situation. This isn't one-size-fits-all advice. That's all. I hope you find the video encouraging in your own journey.

xoxo – Ry