Two Years Later

Two years later I still stop and wonder how I am so blessed to have you.

Two years later I can't help but see how much you've grown.

Two years later I've seen you overcome.

Two years later I've seen you challenge what you believe and come back even stronger than before.

Two years later I've seen your heart grow and your love deepen.

Two years later I've seen you become even more patient which I didn't know was possible.

Two years later I've seen you grow into role after role with confidence and passion.

Two years later I've seen you step into your new name of “Daddy” and own it with tremendous strength.

Two years I've seen your resilience shine through even the toughest of situations.

Two years later I am even more in love than I was when we first met and I know that with each year life will get sweeter and sweeter.

To the next two years and the rest of our lives.
