Wait For Your People

As many of you know this has now been deemed “women's month”, I'm not exactly sure who it made it that but hey, let's talk about women.

Ironically (not really, it always goes like this) this month has been kinda crappy for women across the globe. From Meghan Markle admitting that her new family couldn't give a crap about her mental health to the mass shootings of women down in Georgia all the way across the ocean to women having to fight for their right to walk down the street safely. It's been overwhelming really.

I feel like we just keep facing the same problems, over and over again and nothing seems to change- in fact, it's barely changed throughout our entire history. Nevertheless, the one positive thing that has remained throughout history is how us women tend to stick together. We stick up for one another, show up with food and hugs and we do it well. It's something that, as hard as the supportive and incredible men in our lives try, they'll never quite understand.

They'll never quite know the fear of being home alone, walking through a parking lot, or doing anything by themselves. They'll never quite know the feeling of wondering if they're being given equal opportunities and consideration. They'll never know what it feels like to be shut down and silenced out of insecurity and fear.

Men have their own issues, absolutely, I won't pretend (unlike a lot of people) that they don't, and those are totally valid. But when it comes to discussing these issues and finding solidarity in our experiences, I think it's important as women that we surround ourselves with our women who can relate and will be empathetic.

I've had some weird ups and downs with friends. Sometimes I have really great friends and nearby and other times I'm pretty isolated. I'd say I'm only just now, two and half years into living in Tennessee, getting settled in with a group of women that I love, who understand me and who I feel comfortable with. I had that in Michigan in high school, but, a lot has changed since then and although distance makes the heart grow fonder, the distance is still there.

Many times I've prayed for God to just bring me some friends. People who thought like I did, believed similarly & would be willing to walk with me through this crazy life. I've always somewhat idolized shows like Sex & the City, Friends and The Bold Type because I just desperately wanted a group of girlfriends like that. Maybe not quite so raunchy, but a group that I could rely on, pray with and share my heart with.

Throughout the years I slowly grew those foundations in the friendships I'm currently in, but it wasn't until recently that we started getting together regularly and getting in deep. I didn't know it until I missed a week, but I so needed them and they're truly an answer to a prayer that I've been seeking answers to for a long time.

All of that to say, I see you if you're in a season where you're between friends right now. Maybe you feel isolated or you're just yearning for someone to “get” you, I feel ya. All I can say is that you just need to pray for God to bring you opportunities to connect with like-minded people, and when you do, take the chances! I know it can be scary to put yourself out there and to be vulnerable, especially when it's been awhile since you've done that, but, what do you have to lose?

You don't have to settle for people who make you feel less than or who are constantly judging and critiquing your life choices and belief systems. You will find your people, sometimes you just have to grow a little yourself and wait out in the in-between. But one day you'll sit down with your friends and you'll be incredibly grateful because they were worth the wait.

xoxo – Ry