The search for the to-do list

Boy, I'm tired.

Given the winter storm of sorts we've had here in New Hampshire, I was home, not really working on anything in particular. One thing I have been working on is finding a good, reliable to-do list app.

I don't have a set of criterion for what exactly I want out of such an app except that I have to use it. One thing I've found with to-do list apps is that I always get really into it at first, making all these categories and labels, and then... nothing. I just get bored of it and stop using it. I reckon this is a common phenomena for anyone who's tried to get into the habit of using to-do lists.

The ones I've tried so far, and why I don't want to switch to it entirely: – Todoist: I've used it in the past, but I got out of using it for some reason. I don't remember. Tried it again and was annoyed at their paywalled list restriction. – Ticktick: Again, I've used it before, but the paywall was tighter. – Google Tasks: Too minimalist. I like the gmail integration though. – Emacs Org-Mode (orgzly for android): I can't install external programs on my school computer to the best of my knowledge. – Tasks (it's on f-droid, idk how else to describe it): Possibly my best bet, it can sync with google tasks and isn't too light on features. Open source and I can't find a paywall. – Workflowy: I really want to love it, but the android app is a bit unintuitive. – Google Calendar: I've used this long-term before without problems, in fact that's what I was using up to this search. Problem is, its “tasks” are separate enough to not really be useful for what I want it to be, it's not well-integrated into calendar enough. – Gmail: I was experimenting with using Gmail as a to-do list earlier today, and I could do that. It's similar to another idea I had where one could just pile on anything, be it ideas or links or anything, and use it like a do-it-later kinda thing.

I still don't have an answer. I suppose I'll try using gmail for a bit, since that's a bit promising and I know how to use it already.

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